Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“What, am I just Second Best now?” She feigned hurt, taking another long drag off her pipe.
Megohime blinked, staring up at him in surprise. “Mate? You mean like your girl?” She asked softly.
Megohime reached up and kissed him gently, pulling away with a smile. “No, I don’t need need a ring... I like it.”
He smirked softly and kissed her again, "Good..."
"Hitto!" One of the gang members knocked on the lounge door and Masamune sighed.
"A package came for Katakura-sama but I can't find him...!"
"I'm not babysitting his mail." Masamune huffed
“I can take it to him, he’s probably around here somewhere.” Megohime said as she got up from the couch, handing back Masamune’s pipe. “It’s better if you two keep some distance anyway.” She said, moving out of the room and taking the small box, heading off to find Kojurou.
“Kojurou.” Megohime walked down the muddy path, holding up her robes as she moved over to him, his in hand. “You got something, no return address.” She said, stopping beside him and holding it out.
Kojurou wasn't really in the mood to interact with anyone, so he merely nodded and took the small box from her. He opened it up and pulled out the bubble wrap before he suddenly dropped the box in alarm. Out of the box rolled a jar filled with an odd liquid and an eye. He glared darkly at Megohime.
"Is this some kind of joke?"
Megohime looked just as startled, staring at the bar with wide eyes. “No..!” She sounded just as distressed. The eyeball inside was a beautiful golden color, a color that Kojurou was very familiar with. “The guys just said you had a package and couldn’t find you!”
Megohime landed on her hands and knees in the mud, eyes wide and her cheek stinging. “No!” She tried to get to her feet, fear running through her veins like ice water. “Kojurou, I swear, I don’t know!”
"Don't lie to me!" He shouted and wrapped his hands around her throat. What was happening, why was Kojurou so volatile like this? Everything seemed to set him off.
Megohime felt a scream rise in her throat, but it was cut off as he squeezed tightly. Her eyes went wide and she started to struggle against him, clawing at his hands and face, kicking at him to try and get him off.
"Get the fuck off her!" Masamune grabbed Kojurou's arm and twisted it to relieve some pressure from Megohime's neck, "What the fuck is wrong with you, Kojurou?!"
"Let me go, Masamune!" Kojurou snarled.
Megohime was able to take in a breath, but it was clear it was a struggle, her face red and eyes bloodshot as he still had his hands around her throat.
Some of Masamune’s men had seen the altercation start, and immediately went to inform their lord.
"Get him off her!"
"Hai!" They pried Kojurou's other hand from Megohime's neck and helped push him to the ground.
"You are in a shit ton of trouble, Kojurou." Masamune snarled lowly, "He didn't hurt you too bad, did he, Mego?"
Megohime gasped and wheezed, hacking as she rolled onto her side. She nodded through her coughs, showing she was fine, but dazed. “F-Fine...!”
Kojurou zapped Masamune by exerting some of the charge he had been building for Megohime, sending Masamune tumbling back.
Kojurou pushed himself up, only to get clocked hard by Masamune.
Megohime lay in the mud, her head still spinning as she watched Masamune hit Kojurou over and over, punching him hard in the face. “Masa...” She wheezed, clubbing a bit.
Before Masamune could land another punch on the battered Kojurou, his fist hit something with scales. Minehime stood between Masamune and Kojurou, frowning softly.
Masamune's eye slit, "Move." He hissed.
"Minehime!" Hidemune came out, chasing her when she suddenly ran out, "Wha...what's going on, Masamune-sama?"
"Nothing. Get her out of here."
She shook her in refusal, not moving away from Kojurou. “No! You’re hurting him!” She declared. “I won’t leave him!”
"I'll beat you too if I have to." Masamune snarled. Hidemune moved over and reached for Minehime.
"Mini, he did something bad, let Masamune-sama deal with it." He told her
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