Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Masamune laid there, staring at the ceiling as his eye refocused, "Mego. Go to the bedroom. Don't come out until I say so."

Matsunaga opened the box and gently pulled Sayuri from it before carrying her to the room he had set up.
Megohime’s mouth went dry from fear, he had only said that one other time; when a rival gang member came in to kill him, and well, Masamune didn’t let him put up much of a fight. She gave a small nod, then stood and hurried to the bedroom.

The girl looked to be about fifteen or sixteen, her face gentle as she slept- all she ever did now was sleep. Her multiple wings were folded gently against her back, tied down with silk ribbons, so her wings wouldn’t hang limp or get folded uncomfortably beneath her when moved.
Their fight shook the whole estate, Masamune throwing Kojurou through several walls and Kojurou breaking countless expensive things to get to Masamune.

Matsunaga placed her gently onto the bed and made sure she was comfortable, "I am told that you can amswer any and all questions. Is this true?" He asked calmly.
Megohime actually took refuge in the bathroom of his bedroom, finding it to be the safest place there was inside the estate. All of the other residents either left or did the same, finding safe spots to hide until the fight stopped.

The girl opened her silver eyes, but didn’t move from her spot on the bed. “I can, yes.” She said softly, staring at Hisehide with those beautifully terrifying mirror-like eyes.
There was a lot of swearing. And name calling. Glass and ceramic could be heard breaking against walls, wood snapping in half, it was a disaster.

"I have a sort of collection I wish to complete and wondered if you could help me find these treasures." He said.
“I can.” She gave a small nod, but said nothing more, perhaps she couldn’t? Or maybe, she needed to be asked a specific question?
"There is a very rare, very valuable piece of art created by the famous Hokusai from the Edo period. It was a commission he made for a wealthy family and it depicts the horrors and miseries of Hell. I want to know where it is. Do you know where I can find it?" He asked.
She stared blankly for a brief moment, then answered him, listing off exact coordinates to the location of the art, the only thing left was to verify if her coordinates were accurate.
She closed her eyes and continued her sleep silently, breathing slowly and evenly. The silk ribbons around her wings did catch his eye though, the mercenary certainly didn’t tie her wings with such care and soft material, perhaps her previous caretaker had.
Her eyes opened once more. “This ones wings were tied by Sarutobi Sasuke, he was concerned that this ones wings would get injured, so he ensured they wouldn’t fold in an unnatural nature.” She reported.
"Oh, I see. How kind of him." He said.

"Where is she?! WHERE IS SHE?!" Sasuke screamed as he tore the estate apart looking for Sayuri. He was already molting enough, this didn't help.
"C-Calm down, Sasuke-san...!" Ieyasu panicked.
There was not a single trace left of Sayuri, not a strand of hair, not even a small feather. She had simply vanished during the brief moment he took to feed and bathe himself.
"Yuri?! Yuri, where are you?!" Sasuke stalked every where in a panic to find her; Akihime heard him yelling and tried helping to look for her as well but couldn't find anything.
"I hope she's ok..." She muttered worriedly.
Yukimura had joined the effort outside the estate to search for Sayuri, but had found not a single feather.
“No luck outside either.” He said softly as he entered the room, frowning softly.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Sasuke chanted, pacing the room. Ieyasu frowned softly, having joined the search as well.
"I have my best men searching out farther to see if there is any sign of her." He said. Akihime looked to Amaya, almost panicked.
"You don't think Hanbei found her, do you?"
“I didn’t think she could move?” Amaya said with a frown.

And entire month would go by, and not a single sighting of Sayuri was reported; for the young teen was slumbering within the Matsunaga estate, and her only visitor was Hisehide himself. She was well cared for; bathed by a group of female nurses he had hired, hair trimmed, nails clipped and wings brushed. Her nutritional care was cared for by intravenous drip, meaning she never starved or went thirsty.
Another was given such care, only she was strapped down by her wrists and ankles to a bed, wearing only a cotton gown. Many IV’s were stuck into her wrist and neck, keeping her complaint as well as alive.
Jin let out the faintest or noises when he touched her leg, still causing her a great deal of pain, her leg healing incorrectly. She said nothing though, in fact she was on a relaxant, keeping her much more than calm, she couldn’t even register the words Matsunaga was speaking, she hadn’t even noticed when he came into the room.
Jin stared at him with unfocused eyes, mouth open slightly, as she focused on his lips. What was he saying? No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t understand the words that came out of his mouth.
He was correct however, Jin was ovulating, one of the many drugs she was on being fertility drugs. She blinked slowly, feeling so groggy, yet unable to sleep, was it also due to the she was on?
He pushed her gown up and opened his pants, moving between her legs and being kind enough to use lubricant before penetrating her. This happened every month, he would come in and simply use her to produce him an heir. If there was a God, she would be thanking him for being out of it the whole time.
Jin felt nothing, not pain, nor pleasure, she simply felt him inside of her. Along with the fertility treatment, Hisehide was administering another, one that chemically castrated her. She no longer felt aroused, even when he penetrated her.
He made sure to fill her with as much of his seed as possible before cleaning up and leaving her again. He would send in the maids to care for her later.
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