Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“Matsunaga!!” Jin struggled under Kotaro, trying to throw him off of her. “Your fight isn’t with him!” She snarled, eyes full of rage.
Jin knew any struggling against the assassin Kotaro would get her nowhere, but she struggled anyway, having a rather good reason to do so. “You’re vile beyond belief, Matsunaga!”
Matsunaga ignored her and stood beside her, "Would you like to know why I brought you here, Katakura-dono?"
"A reason I am kept from killing you would be appreciated." Kojurou growled. Matsunaga made a noise and sat Jin up roughly.
"She's pregnant. And it's yours."
"Wh-What...?" Kojurou looked to Jin, eyes wide.
With the fear in Jin’s eyes, Kojurou could tell Matsunaga was not lying. She herself had only just found out days prior, and was planning on telling Kojurou, but somehow Matsunaga had found out first and showed up once more.
"How long...?"
"Two months. Roughly. I brought you here to show you that such illegitimate children are not permitted to live."
"No!!" Kojurou thrashed hard but the shackles wouldn't budge.
Jin had the same inhibitor around her neck as Kojurou did, meaning the majority of her power was neutralized; she’d be lucky if she could move a toothpick. She sat still on the floor, her face pale as she stared at Kojurou. “He’s the only man whose child I would be glad to bare.” She said, putting on a brave face, mostly for Kojurou, but herself as well.
"Oh, I see." Matsunaga hoisted her up easily and placed her on her back on the table, removing her pants and underwear before Kotaro handed him a small brief case, "I suppose I will have to do something about that, won't I?"
"I'll make you regret this decision, Matsunaga." Kojurou snarled. Matsunaga snapped on some rubber gloves, expression blank.
"Empty threats."
"I assure you, they are far from it."
Jin clenched her teeth as she was stripped of her pants, panic rising her her throat as a scream; this child was not something she was ready to lose. She kicked at Hisehide, struggling as hard as she could to free herself from her binds and the table she was put on. “Don’t you fucking touch my child!” She snarled at him.
Kotaro had to strap her down as Matsunaga worked, filling a large syringe with a clear liquid. "Do understand, Jin, that this is what happens when you go behind my back like you have." He stated before injecting her. Kojurou thrashed harder, screaming and swearing.
Jin fell silent when he administered the drug, tears slipping down her cheeks as she wept silently. The medication took affect immediately, but results wouldn’t show for days- hours if fate was cruel enough.
Kojurou could do nothing but glare hatefully and Matsunaga made a face.
"I'm doing you a favor, she wouldn't be a fitting mother anyway."
"You have no right to make that decision!" Kojurou snapped.
Jin had no words for Matsunaga, even as he had just robbed her of her child before it was even born, she simply had no energy to think or say anything, staring numbly at the wall, tears continuing to fall down her face.
Jin sat on the floor, hanging her head in defeat; she looked broken, small, fragile. “The day I bare your child is the day my soul is bound for hell.” She muttered.
Jin hadn’t yet been touched by the bamboo rod, yet she was in pain, horrible cramps twisting like a knife in her gut. “Fuck you..” She hunched over, holding her stomach.
Jin grunted with the first hit, simply allowing him to drive her into the floor with his strong hits, after the tenth or fifteenth hit, she cried out, but only purely of pain. She was not aroused, none of this aroused her, she had just had her child taken from her after all.
After a few more solid hits, the bamboo splintered and broke in two, Jin laying wheezing the floor. He had broken many of her ribs, and every breath was agony. Her back was deeply bruised from the beating, but she was still conscious, for after all, he hadn’t once hit her head.
"How about this, Katakura-dono," Matsunaga started, "How about you choose her punishment?"
"I would rather sleep with another man." Kojurou growled. Matsunaga couldn't help but smirk.
"Is that so?"
“Don’t involve him anymore than you have already..” Jin groaned, pushing herself up, shaking hard with pain, blood dripping from her lips.
"Do you want her hand broken or Kotaro to cut off a finger?" Matsunaga asked. Kotaro unsheathed his tanto and Kojurou ground his teeth, looking to Jin.
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