Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“We talked about-“ She paused, what had they talked about? She could remember them speaking, but it wasn’t almost like the memory of them speaking was curropted. “I... can’t remember.” She blinked.
Akihime shook her head, "It doesn't matter anymore, because I kept my promise and now we'll never part again. No one will take you from me again, and I won't let anyone take me from you! Not Hideyoshi, not Hanbei or Mitsunari! Not even Tou-san!"
Amaya smiled softly, touching her cheek and kissing her forehead gently. “Thank you, Akihime-sama.”

((Time for the plan with Ko~?))

Kojurou tried to be more careful with his meet ups with Jin, inviting her over to the Date estate from now on and making sure she had a safe escort when she left. He didn't want to risk anything happening with Matsunaga again.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly, Jin would come and go and they would spend their time as they pleased. This went on for a few months before one day, while Kojurou was tending to his gardens in the back of the estate, he noticed a car idling on the street nearby, waiting for quite some time.
Kojurou exhaled, knowing that if Masamune knew a car was parked across from the estate that he would butcher whoever was inside. Somhe stood and moved over to investigate.
When Kojurou moved toward the car, and elderly gentle man exited the drivers side, and moved around to open the door for Kojurou, bowing his head. “Katakura-dono, if you would please.” He motioned for him to get into the car, but he was not threatening; inside, he could see the legs of another, but who?
“Matsunaga-sama wishes to speak with you on an urgent matter.” The old man said, keeping his head bowed and arm extended.
Inside the nice car, sat onlt Matsunaga, in his usual suit. The elderly man closed the door behind Kojurou, and got back into the front seat, starting the car and pulling away from the curb.
"You son of a bitch."
"Now, now, Katakura-dono, there's no need for such name calling." Matsunaga smirked, "Jin is waiting patiently for us back at the estate."
Jin was waiting? That meant he had her held hostage again? What was the important thing he needed to talk about?
They didn’t go to Jin’s office, or even her bedroom, they went down the stairs to the basement, where Jin usually held most of her interrogations. When Matsunaga opened the door to the basement, Kojurou could see Kotaro, who was standing beside someone, holding their head up to their shoulders into a large barrel of water. The person wasn’t struggling, but they weren’t collapsed limp yet either, and from what he could see, it was a woman, hands cuffed behind her back.
Kojurou's eyes widened and he took a step forward, "Is...Is that...?"
"Yes, it is Jin." Matsunaga replied coolly. Kojurou whirled on him, throwing a right hook, but Matsunaga caught his fist, "Temper." He scolded.
The woman’s shirt was already drenched with water, showing she had already been dunked a few times before that. Her knees started to buckle, bubbles rising to the surface as she started to struggle for air. She had been able to hold her breath for four minutes, but she had reached her limit, using her legs to try and push herself away from the barrel of water.
It indeed was Jin, taking in a large breath and coughing up mouthfuls of water. She hadn’t noticed that Matsunaga had returned, nor had she noticed that he had returned with Kojurou this time, only gasping for air, her now short blonde hair plastered to her bruised face.
"Kotaro, please restrain Katakura-dono." Matsunaga ordered. Kotaro moved and grabbed Kojurou's arm, only to get punched hard in the gut, Kojurou's fist crackling with lightning.
Jin had collapsed to the floor once Kotaro let go of her, gasping like a fish out of water. “Kojurou..?” Her slurred speech wasn’t surprising, blood coming from her badly split and swollen lip, turning her head to look at the Date clans Right Eye.
Matsunaga snapped a limiter around Kojurou's neck and the Right Eye grunted before swinging another punch, though Kotaro was ready for it this time. He broke Kojurou's wrist and twisted his arm behind him before hitting him on the back of the head. With Kojurou dazed, it was easier to shackle him to the bolted down chair.
Something slammed into Matsunaga- Jin, and she slammed him hard into the wall and away from Kojurou. She was a bit unsteady on her legs, but she was still able to jam her shoulder into his gut hard enough to hurt.
Kotaro grabbed her and pushed her to the ground, pinning her there. Matsunaga fixed his hair and his suit and scowled.
"That was rather rude of you, Jin." He stated lowly.
“Fuck you, Hisehide.” Jin forced out, hurting to talk due to her fractured jaw and deeply split lip, glaring up at him.
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