Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

He nodded. “Yes, we made medicines and had her use as little of her ability as possible, but her blindness spread.”
"I see..." Akihime frowned, "If she used her ability before, then her total blindness might be what unleased her full abilities."
"She used her ability before we left." Sasuke glanced back, looking back with saddened eyes, "That's how we knew where you were...and that's how you knew I was in's all my fault..."
Yukimura moves over to Sasuke, kneeling before him and putting a hand on his shoulder. “Sasuke, this isn’t your fault, we knew this would happen one day..” He looked deeply saddened himself. “But we never could’ve known this would be the end result.”
He wanted to cry, but Sayuri - or at least the old Sayuri - wouldn't want him to cry over her. "If I had known then maybe...maybe she would be ok...I shouldn't have slacked so much on her medicine."
“You did all that you could, you cured her poisoning, kept the estate safe and searched for me all at once.” He gave a sad smile. “Sayuri was surely proud of you.”
Yukimura nodded, his heart aching. “As do I.” He said softly, looking up when he heard footsteps; Ieyasu had returned, looking a little worse for wear, but alright.
"I'm glad to see you both made it alright. Where is Sasuke?" Ieyasu asked. Akihime frowned slightly.
"He's in there with Sayuri...her Deviant abilities awakened fully and she is no longer who she was. It has deeply saddened Sasuke-san..."
"How terrible..." Ieyasu looked just as upset, "Well, you are free to stay here as long as you need, Sanada-kun, Akihime-dono."
"Thank you, Ieyasu-sama.." Akihime bowed.
Yukimura bowed his head as well, giving his thanks. “Thank you, but I would like to bring Sayuri-dono back to the Takeda estate.” He said, rubbing his neck.
"That's no trouble. I was merely offering a temporary board." Ieyasu said. Akihime smiled softly and perked.
"Oh, I just remembered!" She pulled out Amaya's hard drive and bowed deeply as she held it out to Ieyasu, "Please fix Amaya right away, Ieyasu-sama!"
"You found it!" Ieyasu grinned and took it gently, "I'll be sure this is installed right now!" He said and jogged off. Akihime smiled and suddenly started crying, covering her face.
Yukimura looked confused, watching Ieyasu leave before looking to Akihime. “Akihime-dono, are you ok?” He looked concerned.

Amaya laid where she was put when she was first brought into the Tokugawa estate, still sleeping, and she would continue to do so until her CPU was returned.
"Y-Yes! I'm sorry! I'm just so happy!" She sobbed, "Amaya has done so much for me all of my life, I'm so glad I can finally repay her kindness!"

Ieyasu moved into Amaya's room and returned her hard drive to its proper place, making sure everything was in order before booting up her CPU.
“Was that computer part important to her?” Oh, that’s right, Yukimura had never met Amaya, and he had been out of the loop, there was no way he would’ve known her predicament.

Amaya lay still where she was for a moment before her eyes opened, staring directly at Ieyasu before blinking. “Ieyasu?” She said softly.
She dried her eyes and nodded, "Yes, she is a cyborg, it was her main processor and hard drive. Ieyasu-sama told me that she wouldn't wake up unless she had it.."

Ieyasu grinned, "Welcome back...we were all worried about you.."
“I see,” He nodded. “Please, don’t let me keep you, go see your friend..!” He said, motioning for her to follow after Ieyasu.

Amaya rubbed her face. “Welcome back..? How long was I gone?” She asked groggily.
Akihime bowed deeply, "Thank you so much.." She said and hurried off.

"Almost two months. Everything has stayed in the green while you were out, you just needed your hard drive back." He answered. The door burst open and Akihime stood there panting, having ran the whole way.
"Ama...!" She wheezed and tears burned her eyes again.
Amaya sat up when she saw Akihime, tears coming to her own eyes. “Akihime..!” She got out of bed, stumbling over to her and pulling her tight against her chest. “Oh god, you’re ok! Thank you..!” She wept. “Thank you!”
Akihime hugged her tightly, crying happily, "I was so worried about you! I'm so glad you're ok!" Ieyasu smiled softly and stood silently as they embraced.
Amaya pet Akihime’s hair, tears leaking down her face. “How’s your leg? I didn’t maim you, did I?” She asked gently.
She laughed through her tears and shook her head, "No, no, just a small bullet wound, I'm alright..." She replied, "What about you, they didn't hurt you after they sent you away?"
Amaya shook her head. “I don’t think so, I only remember speaking with your father about something... Then seeing Ieyasu-dono.”
"She was well cared for when we found her." Ieyasu said. Akihime sniffed and dried her eyes.
"Good, good..." She muttered, "What did you and my father talk about?"
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