Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Yukimura didn’t even wait for Mitsunari to attack, aiming his gun at Mitsunari and opening fire. “Sasuke! We need to go now!” He shouted, keeping Akihime behind him so she wouldn’t get hurt.
"I-I'll do my best, dana..." Sasuke managed. Mitsunari deflected each bullet as he made his way toward them.
"I will not allow you to take Akihime from this place. Hanbei-sama needs her."
"She will not be used for their evil deeds any longer, Mitsunari!" Ieyasu said and rushed over, swinging a hard left hook that Motsunari blocked with his blade, "Go! Take Akihime and go, Sanada-kun!"
Yukimura looked to Ieyasu, knowing he was more than capable of taking care of himself. “I’ll leave the rest to you, Ieyasu-dono!” He said, grabbing Akihime by the wrist and hurrying to Sasuke.
Sasuke struggled to his feet and transferred them as far from the estate as he could get before he collapsed, gasping like a dying fish.
"Don't...touch me." Sasuke growled weakly.
Yukimura picked up Sasuke, supporting most of his weight to take the strain off of Sasuke. “Thank you, Sasuke, you’ve earned your rest.” He said with a smile. Sasuke has managed to get the three of them back to the Tokugawa estate, which meant they didn’t have far to go until Sasuke could rest.
Sasuke chuckled, exhausted, "I guess I'll be making dango anyway, huh...?" Tadakatsu came out when he saw them approach and silently inquired about Ieyasu.
"He's still...dealing with Mitsunari-sama..." Akihime answered nervously. Tadakatsu became alarmed and hurried off to help his lord, "Oh dear..." Akihime muttered.
A young man came out after Tadakatsu, frowning heavily. “Sarutobi, right?” He looked uncomfortable. “That girl that came with you, somethings happened.”
The man looked away. “She... She kinda passed out, but... it’d be better if you say for yourself.”
Sasuke forced himself inside, he didn't care how tired he was or how much pain he was in.
"Is it the same little girl...? Sayuri?" Akihime asked Yukimura.
Yukimura nodded as they followed Sasuke, entering the room they had left her in, where she now laid on the bed, eyes closed like she was sleeping.
She wasn’t running a fever, but she didn’t wake either, that’s when he noticed she looked much better than she had when he had left her. Her skin had its color back, and her feathers were all completely back, in fact she had much more than before. She had wings now, spread limply against the bed, three pairs of varying sized wings, creamy and silver mixed together.
Her eyes opened immediately, only they weren’t white, they were silver- actually silver, like mirrors. “This one has awoken.” She said calmly.
“This one has gained her full potential; only a certain strain of Deviants can awaken, and the amount is less than thirty percent.” She spoke flatly, face blank.
“Physically this one is slightly malnourished, but otherwise is fine.” She gave a slight pause. “This one is the one known as Yuri, but the way she was is now no more.”
She simply stared ahead, saying nothing for a moment before closing her eyes once more. She looked like she was asleep again, not moving except for the rise and fall of her chest.
Yukimura looked just as disturbed, looking to Ieyasu’s man. “Have your doctors checked her out?”
“Yeah, but they didn’t come up with anything, at least not from the physical exam.”
"This awakening she spoke of, she is correct..." Akihime muttered, "Though it doesn't happen often, many Deviants do reach their full potential with their abilities if certain physical or mental conditions are met. Did Sayuri do anything before this happened? Before you left her here?"
Yukimura shook his head. “Her ability does put a physical strain on her body: on her eyes- she was going blind.” He said softly, watching Sasuke.
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