Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Yukimura frowned, and for once, he did something he rarely did. “Sasuke, it’s an order. You’re going to take me in there to retrieve Akihime-dono.”
The sound of shifting bedsheets could be heard, Yukimura getting to his feet. “With or without you, Sasuke, I am going to save her.” He looked to Ieyasu. “Ieyasu-dono, can I count on you to get me there?”
"Of course, Sanada-"
"No!" Sasuke snapped, "No...fuck, fine, I'll get you in..." He relented, "But we have to make it fast. In and out. I don't want to keep Yuri waiting...I promised her dango..."
Yukimura hates forcing Sasuke’s hand, but it was necessary; Akihime had saved his life twice now, and he owed her. “Thank you, Sasuke.” He nodded to his friend. “We just need to find her and get her out-“
“She’s still in the main estate, she’s being watched by only one man..Shima Saikon.” Sayuri’s voice spoke up, the three having not even felt her presence. Sayuri stood in the far corner, still wrapped up in a blanket, eyes solid white.
Sasuke looked over quickly and he moved over, "Yuri...! How did you get here, I told you to stay in bed." Well now she definitely knew he had been lying to her about Yukimura. He frowned heavily and gently touched her cheek, "Your eyes...Yuri, you didn't..."
Yuri had tears in her eyes, but she forced a smile still. “I was worried, you seemed so sad, and I was worried for Yukimura-sama..” She didn’t move from her spot, it was clear she had used her ability. “I wanted to help too.”
“Yuri-dono..” Yukimura looked shocked at how ragged the girl looked, looking like she would collapse at any moment.
"Oh, Yuri..." He pulled her close and held her, "You shouldn't have to worry about an old bird like me...not for such a cost as your eye sight..."
"You were very brave, young lady, to come all this way on your own to tell us this news." Ieyasu praised gently, "But now we would kindly ask that you stay here where it's safe."
Sayuri turned her head to face the direction she heard Ieyasu’s voice, frowning softly. “But I can help!” She sounded almost desperate. “Please, let me come with you!”
“Sayuri-dono, please stay here with Ieyasu’s men, I won’t allow anything to happen to Sasuke.” Yukimura said gently.
"Yuri, if there's a chance to fix your sight, I don't want to risk any further damage. You stay put this time, ok? No dango because you left without my permission." Sasuke said, "I'll give you an ear piece so we can talk, ok? That way you'll know I'm ok.."
Sayuri finally gave in, nodding. “You have to tell me when you get out though.” She said. “Promise you’ll be ok?” She whispered.
He took her hand and gently placed an ear com in her palm, "I promise.." He whispered back, "If you get too scared, talk to me, ok...? I won't abandon you.."
She nodded, putting the ear piece in her ear. “Ok.”
After Yukimura and Ieyasu prepared everything, they were ready to go to rescue Akihime.
Talons clicked against the tile behind them and Sasuke moved over, "Alright, you'll have to bear with me. I haven't really transferred more than one person before. So check all fingers and toes when we arrive."
"Of course. Thank you, Sasuke-san." Ieyasu said. Sasuke nodded and took a breath before his body started to bubble and morph into shadow. It crawled up Ieyasu and Yukimura and engulfed them, making them feel like they were surrounded and covered by thousands of feathers. When it melted away, they were just outside the estate. Sasuke dropped, breathing heavily.
Yukimura put his hand on Sasuke’s back, frowning. “Are you alright, do you need a minute?” He asked softly, knowing that transporting people was hard on his body, and that it would be even harder with one more when they returned.
"No...No, I'm alright..." Sasuke muttered, pushing himself up, "Come on...I'll distract the guards. Go get Akihime." He headed off and suddenly dispersed into a massive murder of crows, flooding into the estate. The things he did for Yukimura.
"Let's go, Sanada-kun!" Ieyasu said and rushed in after Sasuke.
Yukimura nodded, hurrying after Ieyasu, his heart racing, praying that Akihime was ok. As Sasuke distracted the guards, Ieyasu and Yukimura made their way to where his informants said her bedroom would be.
"It's just up these stairs!" Ieyasu called and barely dodged a bullet to his head from a guard at the top of the stairs. He slammed his forearm into the man's gut before kicking him down the stairs.
Yukimura had his pistol drawn, nodding as he peeked around the corner, then rounded it keeping his gun in front of him as he hurried down the corridor and opened the bedroom door that belonged to Akihime.
Akihime gasped and looked when she heard the door, her eyes widening when she saw Yukimura, "Yukimura-san..." She muttered, "You're ok...!" She jumped up and went toward him but stopped. It was too informal to just outright hug him.
Yukimura closed the distance between them, wrapping one arm around her and hugging her tight against his chest. “Thank the gods... You’re ok.” He said softly.
She blushed heavily before hugging him back, "I'm more glad to see you're ok, what Hanbei-sama did to you was monstrous."
"Where is Shima?" Ieyasu asked. Akihime shook her head.
"When the birds swarmed in, he left to go help." She answered.
The radio in all of their ears crackled to life, Sayuri’s voice coming through. “Help Sasuke, please! You have to help him!” She sounded panicked. “It’s Mitsunari, he has him cornered!”
Yukimura frowned and looked to Akihime. “We need to hurry.”
She nodded and moved to leave but suddenly stopped and hurried to her wardrobe. She ripped it open and unlocked the jewelry case, pulling out Amaya's hard drive and securing it in a bag before heading out.
Sasuke was backed into a wall, breathing hard and bleeding heavily as Mitsunari towered over him.
"How dare you come in here and disgrace the home of my lord, Hideyoshi!"
"Mitsunari!" Ieyasu yelled and Ishida froze before turning, eyes wide.
"Ie...yasu..." He strained, shaking with fury.
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