Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Yukimura bowed his head again to Ieyasu. “I am just grateful to be away from that place again.” He said. “I am indebted to you eternally.”
He only grinned, "You shouldn't thank me, really, it was all Akihime-dono who told me you were in trouble." Akihime? It was because of her that he was safe? She helped free him again.
Akihime, the name sounded familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it. No, wait, that one night that a girl came down to visit with him, was that her? He remembered long hair, but her face was blurry, he couldn’t quite recall it. “Akihime... Where is she now?”
"Still with Hanbei and his ilk, I'm afraid. We're working on a way to free her but it is difficult. The estate is more heavily guarded than the facilities are." He answered.
Yukimura frowned softly. “Please excuse me if I’m mistaken, but do you not have an infiltration team?”
"I do. One of the best. But since Masamune-dono went in on a war path, they've increased everything." He said. Sasuke could get in and out without so much as a scratch. But he didn't know what happened to Sasuke after the attack.
“Sarutobi Sasuke... My companion; the Takeda estate, what’s happened to them?” Yukimura asked, a concerned look on his face.
"As far as I know, the Takeda estate has been untouched. I like to believe I keep very good tabs on everyone." He said, "I could request someone to check?"
“I would be most grateful if you could do so.” He nodded. “If we can get in contact with Sasuke, I can aid with the rescue.”
Yukimura waited patiently in the room he was given, praying that his closest friend was still alive and well.
Sasuke had been busy taking care of Sayuri. He purged her body of the poison and waited for her to eventually wake up. He was worried so much that he molted a little.
It had been so long since Sayuri had woken up, so very long he almost forgot the sound of her voice. The poison used by the bounty hunter that too Yukimura had wrecked havoc on her body, making nearly all of her feathers fall from her body, but she was no longer on deaths door. It was only a matter of time that she would wake up, the color returning to her skin and her feathers growing in again.
Sasuke sighed, having lost a lot of sleep over her. "Please wake up, Yuri..." He muttered.
A woman slowly opened her eyes and looked to Ieyasu. 'The estate is safe and so is this Sasuke Yukimura-san was asking about. Though he seems to be watching over a sick child."
"I see. Thank you." Ieyasu said and she bowed before he went to inform Yukimura.
Yukimura looked up at the door expectantly when the door opened, eyes lighting up upon seeing Ieyasu. “Ieyasu-dono, have you found anything?”
Yukimura nodded, a soft smile forming on his face. “Sayuri-dono is well then.” The last thing he remembered about her was her risking herself to protect him from an intruder.
Everyday Sasuke sat with Sayuri in the hopes that she would wake up, and everyday he was disappointed, only that day, she finally opened her eyes. Looking at Sasuke blankly, she blinked slowly, still quite groggy.
“I’m cold.” She said softly, voice raspy and eyes tired, but alert. “What happened..? Is Yukimura-sama ok..?”
Sasuke moved and grabbed her another blanket, "Dana is fine...don't worry about him, you just focus on getting better." He told her, tucking her in.
She shook her head. “I’m ok... My body is just sore and cold... I wanna see Yukimura-sama... That man, he didn’t hurt him did he?”
Sasuke looked away. How was he going to tell her that he hadn't been able to find Yukimura? "He's resting right now, you can see him when you're better.."
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