Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Jin looked away from Kojurou when Matsunaga pulled out of her and moved away, feeling his seed dripping from between her legs.
Matsunaga ran the blade gently across her body, light at first only to randomly apply pressure and split the skin. Kojurou jerked angrily but didn't do anything else.
Jin didn’t flinch, even when he split her skin and drew blood, she simply glared at Matsunaga with hatred. “What are you doing?” She asked lowly.
This made Jin hiss in pain, blood trickling from the deep cut he opened up on her face. She didn’t argue with him though, simply holding her tongue and glaring at him.
"Much better." He said and moved to clean everything up and fix his clothes. Kotaro cut Kojurou's bindings and left with Matsunaga. Kojurou didn't bother chasing them, instead he immediately went to Jin and untied her.
Jin sat up once her bindings were removed, rubbing her wrists for a moment before standing on shaky legs, and moving to the bathroom. She said nothing to Kojurou, she couldn’t even look at him, it even disgusted her to see herself in the mirror. She didn’t care; it didn’t matter that she had been tortured to the point her heart stopped, she didn’t care that she had been raped by her husband, she didn’t care that she had been completely humiliated- she had dragged Kojurou into all of it, and that was unforgivable. She truly was an ugly creature.
Jin looked to Kojurou in the mirror, spider web cracks appearing across the mirror over Jin’s face before the glass broke, but didn’t fall away from the wall. “I’ll be fine.” She said softly. “Are you alright?”
He nodded, "Mentally drained but otherwise fine." He answered. There was silence for a long while as he stood there before he spoke again, "You aren't ugly, Jin."
He could see her eyes fall in the broken mirror, frown still on her face. “Aren’t I?” She moved to one of the cabinets and opened it up, pulling out a first aid kit. She would need to close up the cut on her cheek, but anything else only needed a bandage.
"I don't think so..." He told her gently, "You're stuck in a loveless marriage...though I don't necessarily agree with the idea of cheating or being known as the 'other man', I despise Matsunaga more than I have despised anyone in my life. Had I known it would lead to him being this spiteful, I would put more effort into being secretive about our relationship."
She paused her work getting out a needle and thread, frowning softly before continuing her work. “He is only my husband in name, there is so love, nor has there ever been any love.” She cleaned the cut before starting to sew it closed. “The marriage was nothing more than a political move meant to bring more money and information in, i doubt he ever had any true feelings toward me even before this.” She glanced at him again. “I am sorry to have involved you like this however, I did not intend for feelings to develops toward you.”
"I didn't intend for them either...yet here we are..." He said, "If it bothers you, however, I will leave and never speak to you again as to preserve your honor and your business."
“I do not have honor.” She finished sewing up her cheek and cut the thread. “I run a business that profits off of the deaths of others, people like me do not get such a luxury.” She glanced over her shoulder at him. “But I do not wish for you to leave either.”
“I cannot.” She stood still, allowing him to clean the wounds on her back. “As much as I wish to, the political marriage is essential for both of our businesses, we both have something to lose in doing so, and even then, I doubt he will let me leave.”
He cleaned the cuts and taped gauze to them before gently placing his hand over hers, "I will be beside you through all of it, Jin..." He told her gently.
Jin laced her fingers with Kojurou’s squeezing his hand tightly. “You know Matsunaga won’t allow that, he may retaliate again.” She warned, but held his hand tightly, not letting go or pushing him away.
She smiled faintly, leaning her back against his chest lightly, keeping a hold on his hand. “Thank you.”

((What next~?))

Akihime had been looking everywhere each chance she got to find Amaya's hard drive in the labs, but each time she went back empty handed. Maybe Hanbei threw it away, she wouldn't be surprised if he was so cruel. She sighed sadly as she sat with her father one afternoon, causing Yoshitsugu to pass her a glance.
"What's wrong my dear girl?" He asked, hobbling closer to her. She looked over and frowned.
"I was hoping I could find something of Ama down in the labs so I could have a piece of her with me...but I can't even find her hard drive..." She muttered. Yoshitsugu chuckled.
"That's because I have it, dear."
"What? You do? May I have it, Tou-san, please?" She pleaded. Yoshitsugu hummed before standing and moving to his desk, opening a drawer and pulling out a compact metal brick.
"Just don't go giving it to anyone~ say like Ieyasu~" He said. She paled slightly, her hand frozen as she reached for the hard drive.
"Y-Yes, Tou-san..." She said and gently took it from him.
Yukimura had regained consciousness, but his memories of the last year were hazy. Other than being sore and a bit underweight, he was perfectly healthy; healthy appetite and healthy mood- for someone who was just rescued from from being a lab rat.
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