Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Jin lurched forward when Matsunaga punched Kojurou, the guns on her desk rattling, but none would leave the desk. He had also used an inhibitor on her, rendering her almost completely human for at least the next four hours. Already he had set out his toys, a metal wash bucket full of water at her feet, her bare feet submerged in the water with what looked like a car battery beside her. She made another muffled noise, watching the two like a hawk, a sad look in her eyes when she looked at Kojurou.
Kojurou was stripped and tied down, his arms behind his back. He didn't look at Jin, his eyes holding a hint of sadness. Matsunaga smirked.
"Don't tell me you feel betrayed by her? The other man, ashamed. How funny." He stated before moving to Jin.
Jin felt ashamed herself, letting her gaze drop as Matsunaga moved over to her. She was unable at all to undo her binds; she had been trained for circumstances where she would be restrained and tortured, so she wasn’t new to it, but Matsunaga knew that. He knew she had gone through extensive training, and so he went to extesnsive lengths to keep her still. The rope binding her wrists also was tied around her arms just above her elbows, then tied to the chair; she wasn’t going anywhere.
Jin’s whole body went stiff, a muffled cry of pain coming from her. She clenched her fists, the electricity coursing through her body, a burn mark being created on her back as he kept the metal rod against her back.
Jin would’ve spit in his face when he moved in front of her, shaking and glaring death at him. He knew exactly how it felt, it hurt like hell- but it also felt wonderful.
"I see. You hate it but are ashamed to admit how wet it made you." He said and reached into her loose pants to tease her roughly. Kojurou gnashed his teeth together, resisting the urge to get up and slam the chair into Matsunaga.
Jin bit the gag hard, closing her legs the best that she could to try and stop him from touching her, feeling herself grow more excited at his rough touches. He was right, she hated every moment, but it made her so wet, cheeks flushed as she tried to jerk away from him.
"Stop it!" Kojurou growled and Matsunaga stopped, looking over at him with a soft scowl.
"Right, I had almost forgotten about you." He said and snapped his fingers. A working girl strode in and moved to Kojurou.
"He's handsome. Is this the one?"
"He is. Have your fun." Matsunaga said and the working girl straddled Kojurou's lap, kissing him deeply.
Jin stared at Kojurou and the woman on top of him, eyes wide and full of hurt. She couldn’t look away, no matter how hard she tried. She felt anger and sadness, seeing the man she loved being violated, but she had no right to feel that, for she was the one who had betrayed him. Her attention was no longer Matsunaga’s hand in her pants, or the growing throbbing between her legs, it was on Kojurou, feeling tears build slowly in her eyes.
Kojurou tried to fight it but his body reacted accordingly to the attention. He didn't like it but he couldn't help it. He tried to shut everything out, like he did when Masamune was in a mood, but he was still well aware of this woman's hands on him, especially his erection.
Jin struggled more the more the woman on top of him pleasured him, finally tearing her eyes away and looking to Matsunaga with pleading eyes.
The guns on her desk rattled even more violently, but still didn’t move, and even if she did get them to move, Matsunaga had removed the ammunition from all of the guns.
She glared at him trying to lunge at him, a look of hatred in her eyes. This wasn’t something she found pleasureable, she wasn’t enjoying this, no matter how much her body was. She screamed against the gag, wishing she could chew through it, but she had no luck.
She let out a pained scream again, struggling against the rope as he created a new burnmark against her back, which would turn into a blister. The water her feet were in, was salt water, meaning if he wished so, he could deliver an even more powerful shock to her. Every shock got her wet, but it wasn’t enough for her to climax.
"Look, she's sucking him off now." He grabbed Jin by the hair and forced her to watch as the prostitute sat before Kojurou, working him with her lips and tongue. His face was flushed and he was trying to ignore it but he couldn't.
Jin closed her eyes, refusing to look, she struggled to turn her head away as well, not caring if he tore her hair out in the process. She was silent now, a single tear falling down her cheek.
Jin tried to yank away again, straining hard against the restraints. Again, he was right, in the beginning she was only interested in Kojurou’s body, but over time, she developed feelings for him. She did love him, something that she couldn’t say the same was for Matsunaga, her feelings for him stayed the same; she despised him.
Matsunaga forced her to watch as Kojurou was forced through an orgasm, his breathing shaky as he fought against his burning rage. "Isn't this fun? Aren't you enjoying yourself?" Matsunaga asked.
"F...Fuck you." Kojurou snarled.
Jin watched Kojurou, tears in her eyes, but she made no noise, she refused to let Matsunaga win. The look she had on her face told Kojurou everything: that she was sorry.
He looked to her and frowned softly, giving only a brief nod. He forgave her. Matsunaga didn't seem to like their silent conversation, however, so he dipped just a tiny bit of the tip of the rod into the water Jin's feet were soaking in.
Immediately Jin tensed again, eyes wide in pain, but this time she didn’t scream. Her entire body was rigid as the electricity went through her body, making her see white, then nothing. Jin slumped forward in her chair, a bit of smoke rolling off of her body. Her eyes were still open, but they didn’t move, face emotionless and her body slack; her heart had stopped, Matsunaga using just a bit too much energy.
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