Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She didn’t argue, nodding slowly. “Ok, promise..?” She held out her scrawny arm, extending her pinkie and showing just how much of her feathers she had lost.
She nodded. “Can I have something to eat..?” She asked weakly; she would need time to regain her strength.
"I'll go make you some fried rice, it'll be easy on your stomach. You stay right there.." He said and moved to head off to the kitchen, talons clicking against the linoleum.
Sasuke was cooking her rice when his feathers started to tingle. He looked back and an infiltrator from the Tokugawa clan was bowed behind him. "Can I help you?" He asked blandly, "You'll have to apologize on my behalf, I don't do solo work."
"We found Sanada Yukimura." He said. Sasuke's eyes widened and he moved closer.
"You did...? Is he ok?"
"He's well, he's with Ieyasu-sama. He wishes to see you as soon as possible." The infiltrator said. Sasuke nodded quickly.
"Yeah, yeah, I will! Tell dana I'll be there soon!" He said and the infiltrator vanished.
The estate was silent except for the sound of the rice frying on the stove in front of him, Yukimura was back again, and this time safe with Ieyasu.
"Thank God..." Sasuke muttered, "I was so worried..."
He brought the rice to Sayuri when it finished and sat with her, even bringing her some strawberry milk as a treat, "Eat up, you gotta get better if you wanna see dana soon." He smiled softly.
Sayuri nodded, eating her food and sucking down her milk in record time, she had after all, hadn’t eaten with her mouth in months.
“Please?” She laid back in bed, looking up at him with tired eyes. “Will you have some with me? Yukimura-sama too?”
"I'll see if dana will be up for it, he's been feeling really tired again lately..." He said, "But I'll definitely share some with you until you can't bear to look at dango ever again." He grinned.
She grinned back, tired, but happy. “Ok..!” She said happily, already feeling a bit better from her meal.
She nodded, giving him a sad smile. “It’s about the same as last time.” She said, which still wasn’t great. Sasuke could see though, that her eyes were heavily clouded, almost completely blind in one eye.
She shook her head. “It always tastes bad, it’ll ruin the taste of the strawberry milk.” She said. “I’ll be ok.”
He nodded, "Alright, we'll take some tomorrow though."

Ieyasu moved into Yukimura's guest room and grinned, "Wonderful news, Sanada-kun! Sasuke-san is alive and well, and the estate is pristine! He will be here as soon as he can."
Yukimura looked happy beyond belief, smiling widely. “That is most wonderful news! Thank you, Ieyasu-dono!” He bowed his head to him, his heart aching, soon he would see his friend again.
"I will inform my guards to show him the utmost respect when he arrives." He grinned. Only as soon as he finished speaking, a bubbling mass of black and feathers appeared beside the bed before Yukimura felt arms around him.
"Dana..." The feathers melted away to reveal Sasuke, hugging Yukimura tightly, "Yogatta...forgive me for not rescuing you sooner, Yuri needed my aid or we would lose her."
Yukimura felt his heart swell at the sight of Sasuke, embracing his closest friend tightly. “I would not have had it any other way, Sasuke.” He said gently. “I’m just glad to hear she’s alright, when that man attacked, I feared the worst.”
He pulled away and smiled softly, "Come on, Yuri is waiting, she wants to see you."
"Actually..." Ieyasu began nervously, "We have a small request." Sasuke looked back at him.
"I don't do solo work." He stated firmly.
“We need to get someone out of Toyotomi estates; we need to get Akihime out.” He said firmly, showing he was completely serious. “And I want to go with you.”
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