Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She was already too far down the alleyway, stopped in one of the puddles as she watched a car roll down the alleyway toward her. She had frozen where she was, staring at the car if it approached.
The car stopped before it hit her and Hidemune made a mad dash to grab her. The doors opened and a grouchy looking man with greying brown hair came out first. In the back was another guy. Younger. He looked like Hidemune but with an eye patch.
Minehime’s eyes met the younger mans in the back seat, a shiver running down her back as she stared for a moment, then turned to run. Hidemune didn’t even have to grab her, she already knew there was trouble.
Minehime stopped, turning to help Hidemune up, eyes wide. “Nii-chan..!” She looked up to see Masamune coming toward them, and without thinking, she reached into her jacket, and pulled out a pistol, pointing it at Masamune to stop him.
Masamune stopped and scowled slightly, "So you're the one that beat up my guys."
"Mini, where did you get that?!" Hidemune asked, tone panicked, "Put that down right now!"
She didn’t respond to either of them, she only put her finger on the trigger, gun aimed at Masamune's chest. “Go away.” Was all she said.
"No. You're coming with me." Masamune stated lowly, "You got a lot of explaining to do."
"Date-sama, please don't hurt her! She's partially deaf, she doesn't understand, she thought I was in danger!" Hidemune tried to bargain for their safety. He was so scared.
A soft click came from the gun, Minehime had tried to fire it, but the safety was still on. She looked confused, taking her eyes off of Masamune for one second to look at the gun, wondering why it hadn’t fired.
Minehime grunted as he slammed the sword into her gut, but she didn’t fall. She glared up at him, grabbing onto the weapon before slugging him hard across the face, the scales on her fist digging into his cheek.
Even with a broken wrist and sternum, she didn’t fall. She let out a scream of anger, swiping her claws across his face, then jumping up to tackle him. She slipped around, wrapping her arm around his throat and trying to strangle the life out of him. For a young girl, she had the strength of a grown man, but weighed almost nothing.
Something hard and solid hit the junction of her neck and shoulder, inducing unconsciousness. As she slipped off Masamune, Kojurou caught her and held her with one arm. Masamune coughed and looked to Hidemune, who was watching Minehime with worried eyes. "Mini..."
"Are you going to come willingly or do we have to knock you out, too?" Masamune asked. Hidemune felt his muscles tingle with rage, something he hadn't felt in a long time.
"H-Hai..." He said shakily.
Minehime hung limp in Kojurou’s arms, the only time she actually relaxed. Bruising was already forming on her wrist, and more than likely on her chest as well.
They moved into the car and drove back to the estate where Masamune took both of them to a special room that he affectionately named "The Brood Room". The Brood Room was a relatively small steel room with only the main door and a hole that was constantly dripping water as well as a drain. It pumped in water that hit intense boiling points, and he used it when he felt particularly spiteful of anyone who wronged him. He shoved them in and locked the door before signalling the water be turned on and he left to his lounge.
When Minehime finally came to, she wasn’t cold anymore, in fact she was comfortably warm. She looked around, spotting Hidemune in the dim light. “Nii...”
Minehime nodded. “Wrist hurts.” She sat up and winded at the pain in her chest. “Chest too.”
She gave a handsign of so-so, scooting closer to him and resting her head against him. “Where are we?” She looked up at him, frowning softly.
"Date-sama's estate...some weird room full of hot water. I think he's trying to torture us." He said, gently putting his arm around her, "It's kind of nice actually!"
She nodded in agreement. “Water feels good.” Some more steaming hot water dropped on them, but it didn’t seem to even irritate their skin.
The water finally stopped after a while and the door opened. Masamune stood at the door, scowling heavily. Hidemune looked up at him and stared awkwardly at him, "Uh...hello.."
"Shit." Masamune muttered before heading off, "Get them dried and changed then bring them to the lounge."
Megohime was waiting in the lounge still, now just flipping through her magazines, only looking up when Masamune sat back down beside her. “So?” She asked blandly. “How are your kids?”
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