Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Minehime!" Hidemune grabbed her wrist and gave her a tug, "Hey...! Remember what I said when you started getting upset? Take a moment and breathe..."
Minehime stared up at him with scared reptilian blue eyes, she had never heard of this Masamune, but if Hidemune was worried, she should be too. “Scared..”
"I know..." He pet her hair gently, "I'm scared, too, but we'll be ok. Nii-chan will protect you." He smiled gently and offered her his pinkie finger, "I promise."
She took his pinkie with hers, squeezing it tightly.
Once they headed out, they had their hoods pulled over their heads, shielding them from the rain and the view of others.
They found another relatively dry spot to hide in and Hidemune rung out his hoodie before setting it aside. "If you want, I could go out and look for food. You must be really hungry..." He said gently.
Minehime was hanging her own jacket out to dry, nodding. “Yes please.” She said, sitting by the small fire Hidemune had stared in a metal trashcan.
She nodded, staying where she was and warming her hands over the fire, letting her scales get some fresh air.
He went wandering around, seeing what he could find. He peeked into some stores and grabbed what he could if it was safe. If there was a bunch of people inside, he could walk in and out without anyone questioning anything. If there was too few, he moved on. He managed to snag a lot, even a couple wallets for the cash. He sighed softly, hoping this type of behavior wouldn't rub off on Minehime.
Minehime was back in their newly found home, enjoying the fires heat on her scales as she dried their clothes, waiting patiently for Hidemune to return.
"Tadaima...!" Hidemune smiled softly as he came back, "I got a lot of stuff we can work with...noodles, jerkey, stuff that'll keep.." He said.
Minehime smiled when she saw Hidemune, jumping up to her feet and moving over to him. “Hungry.” She said softly, already digging through the bag of food.
There was bread and water, packets of juice mix and bags of jerkey and cups of noodles. Nothing super fancy, but it was something. "I hope this is ok...I found money, too, so we can actually buy stuff if we need it." He said.
Minehime went right for the jerky, wanting to eat something right then, nodding as she snacked on the meat.
He took his own bag of jerky and a slice of bread, making some juice out of one of the water bottles and drink packets. "The rain looks like it'll let up soon." He smiled, "We can find somewhere else then."
She nodded, inhaling her food and chugging a water bottle as quickly as she could. They both had fast metabolisms, which meant eating lots of food and lean bodies.

((Bring in the Masa~?))
"A kid?" Masamune repeated blandly. The guys nodded, bruised and beaten.
"Yeah, we just found this guy kinda dyin' in one of the warehouses and we were like 'what the fuck', you know, cuz he looked kinda like you, hitto, and-"
"Wait," Masamune's tone turned sharp, "What do you mean: he looked like me?"
Megohime made a face, leaning against Masamune, hand on his chest. “Yeah, I didn’t pop him out, I’m sterile.” She muttered, puffing on her pipe.
"No, I know you didn't." Masamune said, "How old did he look?"
"Uh...maybe fifteen?" One said, "We aren't sure, we were more concerned if he was yours from one of the other girls and if he was gonna croak."
Megohime frowned more, not liking the idea of Masamune being with other women, but if it happened when she wasn’t there when it happened, she had no say in the matter.
"Kojurou!" Masamune stood and moved to grab one of his Six Claws. Kojurou stood outside the lounge room, not bothering to remove his reading glasses.
"Yes, Masamune-sama?"
"Hanbei fucked me harder than we thought. Let's go." He said and Kojurou nodded before heading back to his room before Masamune looked to the thugs, "What warehouse?"
"Ah! Uh, east side warehouse!" They answered and Masamune looked to Megohime before kissing her head.
"I'll be back." He told her before heading out to get the car ready.
Megohime waved off Masamune, stretching out on the couch and relaxing.

It was still drizzling our, but Minehime still was a child, and she still wanted to play. She had her coat back on with the hood up, jumping from puddle to puddle.
Hidemune watched with a small smile, not really having the energy to play with her but was glad she was making the most of things. "Don't stay out there too long, you'll get sick." He told her.
She nodded and waved to him, smiling brightly before returning to playing in the puddles along the alleyway.
He exhaled and laid against the wall to rest. That is, until he heard a car coming. He became alert and he sat up quickly, "Minehime!" He called and pushed himself up to find her, "Mini, come inside!"
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