Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Yoshitsugu had to stop when he heard a ruckus and he smirked under his bandages. "There he is." He said. The door was nearly broken off the frame, Hidemune standing there looking furious, his pupils thin lines. He didn't give Yoshitsugu time to speak or explain himself, he punched the leper so hard he was sent flying. The shadows disappeared around Minehime and Hidemune picked her up, carrying her out.
"Are you ok, Mini...?" He asked softly.
Minehime’s body still tensed and relaxed at random from the shock she had just received, muscles contracting still. “Hurts..” At least she was conscious, though it did seem like walking was out of the question.
Minehime let out a small whimper, nodding as tears fell down her cheeks. Was she crying because she was in pain? Were they tears of joy? Probably, now she would be free from all of that terrible testing and violence.
He rushed passed every guard that tried to stop him, kicking down a few as he went, trying to make his way to the exit without much difficulty. There was a pop and Hidemune stumbled forward, nearly falling over but he kept going, ignoring the pain in his side and the blood that formed steadily on his shirt.
“Nii-chan..! You’re hurt!” Minehime squirmed in his arms, a panicked look on her face. “Nii-chan’s hurt!” More gunshots rang out in the hallway, but no more would hit Hidemune, whizzing past his head and bouncing off the walls.
"D-Daijoubu da..." He grimaced and continued to run, "Don't worry about me, Minehime...let's just get out of here...then we can see more of the outside...and birds...!" He smiled brightly through the pain, "Doesn't that sound fun?"
“Minehime can walk! Nii-chan is hurt..!” She squirmed a bit, trying to get down to the ground, knowing her extra weight probably put strain on his wound.
He pushed his way out of the manor and ran as far as he could before finally having to set Minehime down, holding his heavily bleeding wound. He was shaking, sweating from the effort as he tried to catch his breath. His rapid pounding heart wasn't helping with the bleeding either.
Minehime was already tearing strips from her coat sleeves, tying them around his middle to try and staunch the bleeding. The only thing she could smell was his blood, overwhelming- it made her heart race. “Run.” She took his hand, pulling him along quickly.
Minihime didn’t respond, she didn’t hear him, and how could she? She only continued to run, running as long as she could as fast as she could, not stopping even when her lungs started to burn.
“No..!” Minehime was nearly pulled down with him, but she caught both herself and him before they hit the ground. She hugged him to her chest, looking around nervously before dragging him into the nearest alleyway, which lead to an abandon factory. She dragged Hidemune inside, leaning him against a wall and lifting his shirt to look at his wound.
The blood had seeped through her makeshift wrap, the bleeding didn't look like it had stopped or even slowed. He was dripping with sweat, his skin pale and his scales dull.
“Nii-chan..!” She didn’t know what to do, his bleeding wouldn’t stop no matter how much pressure she put on it. She laid Hidemune down on his back, opening up his jacket and tearing open the front of his shirt, she didn’t have any other choice. She crouched down beside him and blew a small stream of fire on the wound, searing it closed. She hadn’t yet revealed she could breath fire, and it was a relatively new ability, but she could manage small bits of flame. Once she finished, she used his shirt to wrap the wound again, then closed up his jacket so he would stay warm.
She needed to get him something; food or even a first aid kit, but for now she would stay with him and make sure he wasn’t completely dead.
His breathing was shallow but at least he was breathing. He looked like he was in so much pain, and he more than likely was. If he were awake, he would probably tell her that he was going to be fine and that he dealt with much worse. He had always been like that, any time he got hurt he would tell her that he would be ok. And he always was. Now wouldn't be any different, right?
Minehime spent hours just watching Hidemune, checking how he was doing, checking his pulse and his breathing. He was recovering, but it was slow. She decided she would need to get something to help Hidemune, even just water. She pulled him into a far corner, hiding him the best she could before heading out onto the streets. She used her nose to search out food, hoping to find something nearby.
There were restaurants nearby that had left over foods just thrown out for the gutter rats and tanuki to eat. She would have to find water else where.
Minehime picked through the dumpsters to find the food that was in the best shape, stuffing partially eaten rolls into her pockets for later before going off in search of water. She couldn’t find any, and she had no money, surely Hidemune would be sad if she stole, so she didn’t. When it started to rain, she turned back, heading back to Hidemune; she would just have to try again the next day for water.
Minehime sat down beside him again, hiding her nose in the high collar of her jacket and watching Hidemune. She set the food she had found in the dumpster on the ground beside him, watching him silently.
Minehime perked, sifting up and smiling widely. “Nii-chan!” She scooted closer, looking him over. “Are you ok?” She looked so worried, had she been sitting there the entire time? And how long had he been out?
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