Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"It's ok, Minehime," Hidemune assured. Odd. He wasn't hitting her for not following orders, "We'll get there. Don't worry...! It took me a long time to control myself, too.."
Somehow, this made Minehime feel worse than when Mitsunari would beat her. Tears fell down her blood covered cheeks and she started to cry. “Sorry.” She apologized over and over, wiping at her eyes with the back of her hands.
She hiccuped and nodded, and even though she was covered in blood, this was the first time she actually seemed human.
Minehime’s fluffy hair was also splattered with blood, but she didn’t seem to mind it at all. She would make great progress with Hidemune, slowly able to control herself with her targets. She was also improving her vocabulary and speech, but her speech was slow; she had mutilated her own tongue, and not being able to hear meant most of her pronunciations were off, but she still tried hard.
One day however, before Mitsunari or Hidemune even came to get her, she was screaming her head off again, though it didn’t seem to be out of anger or frustration. When they entered, blood stained the back of her straight jacked, which she would only have to wear until she could control her anger, but how had she hurt her back? Her hands were still restrained, and there were no cuts on the fabric.
"Minehime!" Hidemune came rushing down the hall to her room and tried to get the door open so he could get to her, "Minehime, what's wrong?! What happened?!"
“Hurts! It hurts!” She hadn’t even seen what he had asked, she only saw that he had come into her room. She was on the ground, blood smeared across the steel floor from her struggling, trying desperately to get off the straight jacket.
She laid still, but was trembling and whimpering softly. “It hurts, Nii-chan..!” Tears pooled in her eyes, the pain in her back excruciating.
"What is she screaming about?" Mitsunari asked. Hidemune shook his head, frowning worriedly as he pulled off her straight jacket carefully as he tried to soothe her.
When Hidemune pulled off the straightjacket, it pulled up the back of her shirt, exposing her back. Scabs covered her back- no, not scabs, but scales. Scales were pushing themselves out from under her skin, making her back bleed.
"Ah,'s ok, Minehime, your scales are just growing in...! It'll stop' soon...! I know it's gonna hurt a lot but you'll feel way better after! Come on, let me help you into a bath, I have just the thing to help you!" He told her gently, helping her up.
Minehime clung to Hidemune, shaking still; he knew firsthand how painful it was for the first set of scales to come in, but after that first set, they would just itch when coming in. She whimpered softly as she followed Hidemune, holding his hand tightly.
He took her down to the lab baths and helped her into the tub, filling it with warm water before pouring different liquids to mix in the water. "Don't worry, nii-chan is here.." He soothed.
Minehime didn’t even bother removing her clothes or shoes, she just sat in the water completely clothed. The hot water felt good against her back, making her scales hurt less. She still let out a few sniffles though, hugging her knees to her chest.
Minehime let herself sink further into the tub, giving a small nod as she submerged herself to her nose.
He stayed with her for a while before he left to get her some new clothes and came back, "Once your scales finish coming in it'll only get really itchy for a won't hurt like that ever again.."
She nodded, still almost completely submerged in the water, which had tinted red from her blood, but the bleeding would stop soon enough.
Once enough of the medicine had seeped into the open wounds the scales had made, she stood out of the water and climbed out of the tub. After changing her clothes, she rolled the wet clothes into a ball, looking to Hidemune. She didn’t have scales on her face like he did, but the scales that were coming in on her covered a good portion of her back, arms, and legs.
He took the wet clothes from her and smiled, "Do you want to do anything? Play any games?" She was so young, younger than he remembered being. He remembered his scales growing in because the pain was unbearable, but after that, nothing.
“Coloring.” She said, looking up at the young teen, hair still dripping with water on the ends. She was always quite with him, calmer, more stable.
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