Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

It upset Ieyasu to hear this and he thanked them. He couldn't ask any more of Jin, he knew Hanbei would retaliate somehow and soon. He couldn't abuse her kindness and risk getting her hurt like that. "Thank you, I'll figure out what to do from here. If you could at least keep her body going until I can fix the situation?"
“Her body has been going in great condition, she is not injured anywhere, and her robotic half seems to keep her own organs functioning. We’ll keep an eye on her, but I doubt she’s in any danger.” He said.
Two had been brought out of her room again, her training progress slow, but she was showing results. As she followed Mitsunari to the training room, she stopped, seeing someone new. It was Akihime, a man trailing after her; she wanted to kill them both. She didn’t have a reason, not really, she just wanted to. Her body shook as she stared at Akihime, her reptilian eyes glued to her and Shima.
Mitsunari smacked her over the head to bring her attention away from them. "Do not touch a hair on Akihime's head, or I will take yours off." He threatened.
Two glared at the ground when he smacked her over the head, balling her fists, but obeying him. She was getting better, and it was more than likely that it was because he would give her food if she behaved. No matter how much she seemed to eat, she didn’t put on any weight, in fact, she was quite scrawny.
"Since I won't always be around to train you, you will be given a guardian while I'm away on important business." Mitsunari said as they moved into the arena. He gestured to a guard and she nodded before moving and dragging someone into view. He was a little older than Two; messy brown hair and eyes like hers.
Guardian? Was that someone she could kill? She didn’t understand, looking to Mitsunari, then to the boy in front of her. “Kill?” She pointed at the boy, staring up at Mitsunari.
Her hand dropped to her side, friend? She knew that word, Hanbei had taught it to her. She looked to the boy again, not moving. What did friends do? She moved over to him, slowly, stopping a few steps away from him, looking him over.
Whatever Hidemune has done to startle Two wasn’t for certain, but it was enough to provoke her. She launched herself at him, punching him in the head over and over, eyes wide and baring her teeth.
She screamed and thrashed, clawing at his boot and kicking; it was like she had regressed completely, losing all of the progress she had made in those few weeks. The look in her eyes was different though, was it excitement? She never usually punched anything, she had always just torn people apart- something was different.
Two settled down, but still struggled to push his boot off of her head, looking at Hidemune with excited eyes. Was she trying to play?
Hidemune was rubbing his face but otherwise didn't look too bothered, "I'm ok, Mitsunari-sama..." He said. Mitsunari made a noise and removed his boot from Two's head, but kept on guard in case she became violent again.
Two sat up immediately, wiping the dirt off of her face and looking to Hidemune before crawling over to him. She sat down in front of him, looking him over again before touching his face. She was a little rough, but she didn’t hurt him, it seemed more like she was testing him, testing how sturdy he was.
She touched his lips after he spoke, then his nose, then his hair, dropping her arm before she answered. “Subject... Two.” She focused on her words, finding it hard to speak. She didn’t know what subject meant, but Hanbei always called her that, so that must’ve been her name.
"Ah, I see. Hanbei-sama hasn't named you yet. Would you like me to name you? Then we can be friends, and I'll help you with how angry you are all the time...! I was like that, too, for a while.." He said.
“Name me..?” She asked, blinking slowly; could he do that? Hadn’t Hanbei already named her? She nodded, not understanding again, but that was ok, she knew there was a lot that she didn’t understand.
“Minehime..” She repeated, reading his lips. It was strange, but she liked it; looking to Mitsunari as if to ask permission. “Minehime?” It was almost like she was asking if the name was ok to take, like another thing she had to be trained on.
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