Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She was on the dummies in an instant, dismembering them, disemboweling them; she was a monster, what child could do something like this? Once she was done, she looked to Mitsunari, dropping the severed arm she held in her hands.
She moved over to him, stopping in front of him and smiling, flesh still hanging from between her teeth.
Two had already reached for it the moment he brought the food out, but she stopped before taking it, eyes glued to the food and mouth watering.

Jin had finished up the entire report she had made for Ieyasu, meaning she could finally file away the paperwork he had given her. Entering her office, she stopped, a scowl on her face as she saw Matsunaga was once again in her home. She closed the door behind her and moved to the bookshelf, putting the folders away before turning to him. Her eyes fell on a duffle bag by her desk that wasn’t hers.
“If you’re planning to spend the night, you know where the guest rooms are.”
"No biting." He stated firmly, "Understand?"

"i was more thinking of sharing your room with you tonight." Matsunaga replied, "If that's alright with you."
Two nodded, her patience wearing extremely thin, why did he want her to wait? She did like he had asked.

Jin stared at him for a moment, a heavy silence hanging over the two. “And if I refused?”
((We can come back to Two later~))

Jin scowled softly, crossing her arms over her chest and heading for the door of her office. “Do what you like.” She said, leaving him alone in the office as she headed off for her bedroom.
Jin was simply too tired to argue, allowing him to follow her to her bedroom. Once inside, she moved to her dresser where she rummaged for her pajama’s finding a pair and heading for the bathroom to change.
She stopped in the bathroom doorway, looking over his shoulder at him inquisitively. “Bother with what? Changing my clothes?”
Jin watched him pull out the rope, her stomach twisting in knots, but she didn’t question him, she knew exactly what was going to happen. She let out a soft sigh, moving over to her dresser to return her night clothes to their drawer.
Jin’s face burned red, but she didn’t fight him, allowing him to roughly remove her clothing. Once she was completely stripped of her clothes, something was exposed; welt marks covered her legs and buttocks as well as on her back, fading bite marks on her neck and shoulder.
Jin frowned softly, but was still a bit turned on from him practically ripping her clothes off. “That’s because you didn’t.” She never really was one for lies.
“Katakura Kojurou.” Even if she did hate the man that she was married to, even if he knew already, she still wouldn’t lie. Why? She found no reason in doing so.
Jin stayed still while he tied the rope around her body in intricate knots, watching him the entire time in silence. “Do you not want me to sleep with him anymore?” It didn’t really sound like a sincere question, and she more than likely was still going to see him.
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