Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“What is... Permission.” She scowled, staring at his lips rather than him. There was so much she didn’t understand, and it made her angry, all she wanted to do was kill. “I kill..” She pointed at the dummies. “They die.”
She let out a frustrated scream, swinging at Mitsunari and glaring at him. “No!” Two didn’t seem to like being told no.
Two seemed like she’d explode right there in his grasp, trembling and showing him her teeth. “No!” She snapped again, her reptilian eyes glowing with her hate.
He had had enough, carrying her off back to her containment to fight her back into her straight jacket amd muzzle while the mess she made was cleaned up.
“No! No! No!” She screamed the whole time he was struggling to get her arms into the sleeves, putting up quite the fight, but Mitsunari far outweighed and overpowered her. Her screams were muffled when he put her muzzle on, making her thrash and kick.
Two would scream for hours, not that anyone would actually hear her, but she did tire herself out eventually.
Two sat in the corner, back facing the door, searching the walls angrily with the edge of her mask, hoping to wear it down enough to break it, and by the amount of scratches on the wall, she had been at it for a while. She stopped when she felt the door open and the air in the room shift. Turning to look over her shoulder. Tear stains were on the parts of her cheeks that could be seen, but her eyes were still angry, too angry for someone so young.
Two glared at him for a minute before turning her head around, choosing to stay where she was rather than attack Mitsunari. Perhaps she was learning after all.
She could feel the vibrations of his voice, but didn’t know what he was saying, she didn’t have to. Two stood and moved over to Mitsunari, standing in front of him, glaring at his feet before looking up at his face.
She gave a nod, not taking her eyes off of his face, she wanted so badly to leave that awful room. The lights were always on, and the only stimulus in room was the small mat they had given her, the blank walls growing dull quickly.
Two bit her tongue over and over, her anger nearly boiling over, but she nodded anyway. Her own speech impediment was more than likely caused by herself, often biting her tongue out of anger when her muzzle was on and there was nothing else to bite, which left it in bad shape.
Two followed Mitsunari back to the training area, searching for a platter of food like there was last time, stomach so empty it hurt.
This almost made Two have a tantrum right then and there, but she wanted food so badly. Chewing off the tip of her tongue, she stood there shaking, but gave a small nod.
He moved and unlatched the muzzle and straight jacket before signalling for more dummies. He held his hand out to Two, not letting her move an inch.
Her entire body trembled, but she managed to restrain herself, not moving an inch from where he had stopped her. She stared intently at Mitsunari’s hand, waiting for his command.
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