Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Jin smirked softly, grunting as he pulled a knot tight, making it dig into her skin. “I didn’t think you’d mind, you’re hardly around.”
“You’ve made that painfully obvious.” She could feel herself getting wet just from the ropes biting into her skin. “But in my opinion, he fucks better.”
Jin hissed softly, both from pain and pleasure. “Hit a nerve I see. Forgive me, husband, but sometimes the truth does hurt.” In truth she was on the side of hating Matsunaga, he was a deplorable person, but if she got anything good from him, it would be pleasure. He wasn’t afraid to get rough with her, and in all honesty, she enjoyed it when he did.
"I was going to make this enjoyable, but I suppose I'm not obligated to do so any longer." He stated and took another length of rope and tied it tightly around her neck; obviously not enough to actually do any harm, but definitely enough that it would bruise when he was done.
Jin looked up at Matsunaga as he tied the rope around her throat. “Oh dear, have I said too much?” She asked, tone husky and her eyes holding lust.
Jin found it rather exciting, she wasn’t able to see where or what Matsunaga was doing, the tight binding on her keeping her relatively still. She shifted a bit, testing the strength of the rope, only to get a nice little surprise. He had made a knot right against her clit, and if she moved, it felt rather good.
Jin squirmed and buried her face into the bed, clenching her fists and biting the bedsheets. There was little preparation, making the toy feel much bigger than it actually was. She cursed softly against the bed, her breathing becoming heavy.
“Shut up.” He could tell immediately by the sound of her voice that she was enjoying herself, but the look on her face showed she was trying to fight her pleasure. Her body betrayed her however, her toes curling and soft moans coming from her, sweat slowly starting to break out on her body.
With each harder hit, Jin flinched letting out a muffled moan, biting the sheets to keep her noises down. Each welt felt agonizingly wonderful; each time he brought the crop against her ass, her hips jerked forward, making the vibrator push deeper inside of her, which only brought out more whimpers of pleasure.
She didn't notice that he had undressed now himself and barely noticed him move next to her on the bed. She did notice, however, when he grabbed her hair and brought his throbbing erection to her lips, wordlessly demanding she pleasure him.
The more shame she felt, the hotter it got her- she truly was deplorable. She opened her mouth, taking his cock into her warmth, just the tip at first, then slowly more and more. She took only as much as she could, not wanting to choke, moving her head slowly, swirling her tongue around the head before licking up the shaft.
He watched her, finding the sight oddly satisfying, keeping a very firm hold on her hair but not making her do any more than she could handle. He wasn't unreasonable.
After a few moments of paying attention to Matsunaga’s need, Jin pulled her head away, burying her face back into the bed as her first orgasm hit her, making her entire body tremble, clenching her teeth.
Matsunaga kept this up for a while until she was ragged and he was satisfied himself. He untied her and admired the marks the ropes left before taking the insert out of her and cleaning it before he packed everything away.
Jin was exhausted, but more than satisfied. She had come five times, and was glad he had stopped there, anymore and it would start to become unbearable. She stood from the bed, not bothering to look at Matsunaga when she spoke to him. “You know where the guest bedrooms are.” And then she went into the bathroom to shower.
Jin wasn’t too bothered by her husbands disspaearance, simply changing into some night clothes, changing the sheets, and heading to bed.
Ieyasu could trust his doctors with Yukimura easily without watching them work, but Amaya was much different. Not only was he obligated to keep Shuzu's body safe, but he had been asked by Akihime to bring her back safe. She hadn't woken up yet, and it distressed him.
Ieyasu’s doctors did a thorough examination of Shuzu, but nothing at all was wrong with her physical body. It was her robotic body.
“Ieyasu-sama, it seems that her CPU is missing, nothing else is damaged, it was simply taken.” So they had condemned her to life in prison, without even the smallest shred of consciousness. How cruel.
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