Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She smiled back, beaming up at him, standing still as he dried her hair. “You color too?” She asked.
"Yup! I'll color with you as long as you want." He told her, pushing the towel down to get a look at how dry her hair was. It wasn't dripping anymore so he tossed the towel aside before taking her hand gently.
He led her gently through the labs to his room, which looked only a little nicer than hers. He had books and some toys, things she didn't have in her room. He moved to his book shelf and grabbed all his coloring books and his box of colored pencils and moved to sit with her, "Go ahead, pick out whatever book you want." He said, excited to spend time with her.
She nodded, taking the books and pencils and sitting down on the floor. She spread everything out before her, laying on her stomach and going through each book carefully, then picking out a picture she liked; a scene of mountains and a little stream. It looked a bit hard, but it seemed she liked it. “Outside... is it pretty?” She looked to him, having only ever seen the outside world through closed windows.
“Garden?” She sat up on her knees, looking curiously at Hidemune. “What is garden?”
"It's a place outside with various plants and flowers, sometimes birds and other small animals hang out there." He told her, "It's very pretty...!"
“Birds..!” She seemed to get excited, turning to the coloring books and flipping through one until she found what she was looking for. Holding up the book, she smiled, pointing to the picture of a bird. Hidemune has taught her so much in the time they spent together, he told her about animals and people, plants, places, everything really.
She nodded, jumping to her feet excitedly. “Outside!” She said, a wide smile on her face.

((Wanna move to the chaos~?))

Minehime's progress had blossomed with Hidemune's guidance; not only was her rage better controlled, but her education and basic knowledge had expanded immensely. Hidemune was beyond impressed with her, bringing her gifts every chance he got to reward her - whether it be toys or clothes or treats, it didn't matter. But one day when he went to see her, he was stopped by Mitsunari. His lord had told him that he could no longer see Minehime anymore, that his influence had effected her negatively and that Hanbei now had to fix her.
Minehime had started to refuse to kill, even refuse to hurt the dummies that were brought in, Hanbei figuring Hidemune’s influence had made Minehime soft. So she was taken from her room, and would be sent to Yoshitsugu for re-education.
"You can't! Please, Mitsunari-sama! She doesn't deserve that!" Hidemune argued. Mitsunari stared at him before looking away.
"It is Hanbei-sama's will." He said and Hidemune's heart nearly stopped right there in his chest.

Yoshitsugu smiled at Minehime under his bandages as she sat in his room with him.
"Good afternoon, Minehime. How are you today?" He asked.
She looked uneasy, sitting stiffly in her chair. “Where is Nii-chan?” She asked, glancing around the room before looking back at Yoshitsugu.
She nodded her head, looking down at her hands. It was a bit hard to read his lips, but she managed to do ok.
She gave him a quizzical look, what punishment? She hadn’t misbehaved in weeks, she even let the scientists take blood without breaking anything. “Punishment?”
"Yes, Hanbei doesn't seem to like how tame you've become." Yoshitsugu moved and grabbed a pair of odd looking suction cups attached to a weird looking radio, "So he asked me to punish you."
“I will be good!” She begged, tears in her eyes. She had no idea what the instrument was he was fiddling with, but it looked like something from Hanbei’s lab, which meant bad.
He moved closer and dark shadows swirled around her, pinning her down and draining her, "Don't worry, it will only hurt for a second." He said.
As soon as the shadows encased her arms and legs, she felt all of the energy leave her body, arms and legs heavy and her whole body cold. She slumped back in the chair, following Yoshitsugu with her eyes, unable to do much more.
"I truly am sorry. The last thing I want to do is anything he tells me." He told her before touching the odd suction cups to her head. Immediately pain burned through her body, her muscles tensed with what little energy they had and it made them hurt more.
The pain was intense, sudden, and it seemed unending. She was so drained of energy, that at first she could hardly scream, but as he body grew more tense, a scream was finally torn from her throat.
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