Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“I’m ok! And we’re.... Don’t know..” She said, then picked up the bread and held it out to Hidemune. “I got food!”
She shook her head. “No..!” But her tears showed she was lying, she was trying to be brave, but he could easily tell she was scared.
She started to cry more, wiping her tears with her sleeve, she had been so worried about Hidemune. She sat there crying, holding his hand tightly with one hand, it was clear she had been quite worried about Hidemune.
She nodded, barely able to read his lips through her tears. “What do we do?” She asked softly, knowing if they went back to their home, they would be in big trouble.
He ate slowly and made a noise, "I guess we just stay here..." He answered, "I don't want to go back. Hanbei was going to hurt you...and what kind of nii-chan would I be if I let that happen?"
She nodded, staying beside him and shivering a bit. She had her thermal leggings and jacket, but usually she was in a heated room as well, and the building they err in was quite drafty. It was still raining outside, from what she could see from the broken out windows, which meant she’d have to wait to get more food later.
Minehime frowned softly, shaking her head. “I’ll get more.” She gently pushed the bread back toward him. “You eat it.”
And indeed she did get more, everyday she’d go out searching for things they would need, food, water, and things to keep warm with when she could find them. Water and blankets were the hardest to come by though, which meant Minehime eventually had to start stealing from local shops, taking water bottles, blankets, new clothes for Hidemune and herself, and food when she could get her hands on it. But it was getting harder to steal things, all of the local shops recognized her, which meant she would have to travel farther and farther from their home to get the supplies they would need.
One day when she came back from an exceptionally long trip for supplies, there were odd looking men standing around Hidemune. They were poking at him with the butts of their katana sheathes, muttering to themselves as he just watched them.
"He looks kinda like hitto." One said.
"Yeah, but...hitto can't have kids..." Another muttered.
Minehime was the swords in their hands, and the guns on their sides, and instantly she dropped the food and water she was carrying. Panick set in, were they going to kill him? They didn’t look very friendly, either way, she was moving before she even realized she was, already on one of the men’s back as she brought her elbow down on top of his head over and over.
When the second thug pulled her off the first, she kicked the first in the head, the broke the seconds nose with her elbow, the third closing in on her. Once the second dropped her, she head-butted the third in the gut, the slugged I’m hard across the face; finally attacking the fourth, she clawed his face to shreds, giving him a few good kicks to the gut for good measure.
"Mini! Don't, do you have any idea who these people are...?!" Hidemune grabbed her, though it put him in some pain to do so, "They belong to Date Masamune! Our progenitor! He'll come after us for sure!"
The men were already scrambling to get away, running down the hall and out of the abandon building.
“I don’t care! They’re hurting you!” He could tell she was angry, her pupils fine slits.
Minehime was still visibly shaken. “They were using their swords..!” She was still breathing heavy, sitting down on the ground to rest.
Minehime looked at the ground, she still worried, Mitsunari never drew his blade on her, but he did beat her with his sheath. “Sorry..” She murmured. “Am I in trouble..?”
Minehime felt a sinking feeling in her chest, she was staring to panic. “We go!” She moved back to the spilled supplies and gathered them back into the bag, hurrying to cram everything inside.
Minehime didn’t hear him, she wasn’t looking at him either, finishing packing up what they needed and what they could carry before getting to her feet, ready to go again.
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