Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Jin blinked, looking down at the nasty bruise on her side. “Oh, just the current job I’ve taken, nothing serious.” She took his chin in her hands, brining him closer to kiss him. “Don’t worry about it.”
The two would spend a few hours in Kojurou’s room before they were both satisfied completely, and once they had both finished and cleaned up, Jin gathered her clothing, redressing herself. “Thank you for today, Katakura-sama..~”
Jin finished dressing and turned to look at him. “Sorry to cut my visit short, but I do have some more work waiting for me at home.” She said, then bowed her head to him before heading to the door.
Jin bid her farewells to Kojuro, and Masamune on the way out. Her drive was an easy one, and she felt sufficiently more relaxed; her current job was bothering her however. She still couldn’t find any information on Inoue.
It could be quite possible that Hanbei didn't bother listing her, or maybe she was never there to begin with; which sounded odd for Ieyasu to ask her to try and find a woman who never existed.
Even searching under the second name she was given, Jin found nothing, not even facial recognition software picked anything up on surveillance cameras. She was a ghost.
“Sorry, no matter how much digging, I can’t find her.” Jin was back at her home, her men still having no luck finding out even the smallest shred of information on Amaya.
“I’ve sent you all the information on Sanada though, as well as the facility he’s located at.”
“Will do.” Jin closed her phone and set it on her desk, running a hand through her hair with a soft sigh.
After two different assaults on Hideyoshi’s main estate, Hanbei had had enough, he wouldn’t allow anyone to take from his lord anymore. He had been sitting on his latest project, but figured it was time to use it. The creature looked just like a child, maybe nine or ten, but was intact no older than seven months old. An artificial human- or rather, an artificial Deviant. The child had to be greatly restrained: a steel plated mask over her mouth, a straight jacket keeping the child’s arms strapped to her sides, also reinforced with steel. Steel mits padlocked onto both hands, which were also cuffed, and heavy weights strapped around the child’s ankles, which also had been cuffed. One would find all of this completely unnecessary, but had these restraints not been in place, she would have already slaughtered her newest guard team, who were in control of transporting her to show Hideyoshi.
“This is Subject Two, I would like to test it on how well it can be used to defend against intruders.” Hanbei seemed almost excited to test out his newest toy.
The child stood still, not making a sound as she looked straight ahead, almost through Hideyoshi; was she unaware of her predicament?
Hanbei nodded and bowed, leaving once he was granted permission. Someone had been sticking their nose where it didn’t belong, but they were careful about it, only leaving the very smallest traces behind, but he knew another attack would happen soon, and if his calculations were correct, it would be at his off-site facility.
Ieyasu and his rebellion made their way to the facility, ready to bring the Deviants home. They made sure the paths Jin marked for them were clear, finding a keycard off a dead guard to get passed the first gate and get in.
There weren’t many guards, just as Jin had said, but there seemed to be even less then was to be expected, something was off. They made it easily into the building, but once they entered the lobby, they were met with their first guest. Crouching down in front of a dead guard, was a small child, wild brown hair cut short, wearing nothing more than a simple hospital gown, which was covered in blood; what had happened?
The child didn’t seem to hear him, only continuing to stare at the dead man at her feet, whose throat had been shot clean out. One step closer and she caught his scent, nose wiggling before she turned her head, an even more horrifying sight being exposed. Her face was covered with blood, and she had a large chunk of flesh between her sharp teeth. Standing, she spit out the flesh, then with breakneck speed, launched herself at Ieyasu, letting out a scream; it wasn’t one of fear or rage though, a grin spread across her bloody face.
"Ieyasu-sama!" Nearly every element known to man shot out and smacked into the girl, sending her flying backward. The group of Deviants that followed Ieyasu would die to protect him.
The child cried out, flying backward into the wall, the stone cracking from the force of her hitting the wall so hard. She fell to the ground, but caught herself, landing on all fours and charging again. She would do this over an over, no matter how many times she was sent flying, only going after Ieyasu.
"Go! Find Sanada! I'll deal with her!"
"But, Ieyasu-sama!"
"Please, I'll be alright." Ieyasu assured and his followers nodded before heading off. Ieyasu took a stance, fists at the ready.
No matter how many times she was slammed into the wall, the child didn’t seem to want to stay down. Staggering to her feet, she let out a scream- this time one of rage- rushing at Ieyasu. She slid through his legs and jumped, landing on his back and digging her sharp nails into him, sinking her teeth into his shoulder, trying to tear out a chunk of flesh.
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