Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Ieyasu let out a cry of pain, trying to pull her off, before something rushed up and punched the child so hard it dislocated her jaw. "Tadakatsu!" Ieyasu gasped.
This dislodged the child and sent her flying into the wall with enough force to make a crater beneath her. This time she stayed down when she hit the floor, knocked unconscious from Tadakatsu’s punch.
"Thank you, Tadakatsu." Ieyasu smiled tiredly and held his bleeding shoulder. Tadakatsu attempted to try and do a quick first aid but Ieyasu waved him off, "We have to find Sanada and hopefully Shuzu as well." He said. Tadakatsu whirred in alarm and immediately began scanning for Amaya before heading off. Ieyasu gasped and followed him quickly.
Shuzu’s body temperature had always run at ten degrees lower than the average human body, so with Tadakatsu’s thermal imaging scan, it would be rather easy to tell if she was there or not.
Going down floor after floor, and there was still no signs of Amaya at all, and with each floor down, it became more and more empty. Then something came up on his thermal scan, in the last room on the floor. At the same time, the radio on Ieyasu’s belt crackled to life; they had found Sanada and were moving him into the transport van.
The door only had a simple card slider for the room at the end of the hall, and when using the guards key, it worked. Odd, inside was just a normal hospital room, minus the window. A white haired woman lay on the bed, hooked up to a vitals monitor and saline drip, but other than that, she wasn’t restrained in any way whatsoever.
She was just as light as he remembered, limp in his arms, not waking even when he picked her up. Had they drugged her? There was only one IV in her arm, perhaps it was a medically induced coma? Which mean she would likely wake over time.
When they left through the main entrance, the young girl was gone, the only proof that she had been there being the crater from when Tadakatsu had punched her into the wall.
The child had not in fact gotten up and walked away, she had been retrieved, for she was far too valuable to be allowed to die.
When the girl awoke next, she was laying on the cold stone floor of her room, only her steel mits and mask on. She had been given new clothes, and as for her collar, it seemed much heavier. Her face hurt, but her jaw was back in place. Sitting up she looked around the empty room, only a small mat on the floor, but no food or water; she had failed her mission after all, which meant she would go an entire week without food, and a whole day without water.
"So not only did they get in and free every last Deviant, but they managed to get out Sanada and Amaya?" Hideyoshi questioned. Mitsunari bowed deeply, deeply ashamed by such a resounding failure.
"I wanted to put my trust in Hanbei-sama. Please forgive me, Hideyoshi-sama."
“Please pardon Hanbei-sama, my lord!” It was Hanbei’s assistant, Nui. He bowed deeply to Hideyoshi. “When the raid took place, he suffered one of his attacks, he is still bedridden!”
Hideyoshi made a noise, knowing how Hanbei got. "I will allow this to slide once because of Hanbei's illness. But not a second time."
"Of course, Hideyoshi-sama." Mitsunari said.
Nui bowed to Hideyoshi once again. “Thank you for your leniency, my lord!” He glanced at Mitsunari, but only at his feet. “Lord Mitsunari... Hanbei-sama has also asked that Subject two is out under your watch until he has returned to full health, he has handed over full control to you.” He said.
The assistant handed over the paperwork on Subject Two, as well as the keys to her restraints and heavily reenforced room, leaving him to the rest.
Mitsunari headed off to where Subject Two was being held just to get a better understanding of what he was getting into. All he really knew was that it was a Deviant, a powerful one Hanbei himself had a hand in.
The entirety of the walls around the room both inside and out had been reenforced with steel, making Nitsunari wonder just what sort of monster Hanbei had created, but when he opened the door, he found just a young girl, heavily restrained and rather scrawny.
She might not have been able to hear him, but she felt the reverb of his voice. Turning her head, she stared intently at Mitsunari, her blue eyes full of rage, burning with her hatred.
This indeed was Subject Two, deep scratches ran down the walls, the only thing not completely destroyed being the thin mat the child was given to sleep on, but even that was badly shredded. A muffled noise came from behind the muzzle on the child, struggling to stand- all the weights on her combined weighed over one hundred pounds. Why would a young child have to be restrained so heavily?
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