Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She grunted hard when he hit her, gripping the edge of the desk as he grabbed a handful of her hair. The sound of a hammer cocking sounded just behind Matsunaga, only the only thing behind him was a pistol, floating in the air as if someone invisible held it. “Let go of me, Matsunaga.” She growled out, glaring at him. “You don’t advise my money, and you certainly don’t run this Family.”
Jin smoothed her hair out, the gun moving around Matsunaga and toward Jin, aimed at him the entire time until she took it from the air. “And it is unwise to tell me how to use my money.” She uncocked the hammer and set the gun on the desk beside her.
“You can see yourself out, yes?” Jin was back to work on her computer, typing away as she started new files i her computer, pulling any information she needed.
Jin would spend the next few days making reports and digging into files, she gathered a small team of her men to assist her in her work, gathering plenty of data on Yukimura, but nothing came up underneath either name of Amaya or Shuzu.
"Have you heard anything yet, Ieyasu-sama...?" Akihime asked in a hushed tone, keeping an eye out in case Shima came looking for his phone.
"No, not yet, Akihime...don't worry, I have the best people working on it." Ieyasu replied. Akihime frowned, becoming more and more anxious the longer she was apart from Amaya.
"H-Hai...I just wanted to check in."
"Don't worry, Akihime, we'll get them home. I promise."
Days would pass before Ieyasu got a phone call from Jin, she had information on Yukimura.
“I was able to find plenty on Sanada, but for your friend Inoue, there’s nothing. No logs of her exist anywhere.”
“Sanada’s being held in a facility that doubles as a prison, although not publicly. On the outside it’s just another pharmaceutical building, but he’s there. It’s out in Chugoku surprisingly, security is medium grade on the outside, but nearly every door requires a key card to access.” Jin said, going through her notes.
“No problem.” Jin said, ending the call and setting her cellphone down. Saving her documents, she shut her computer down. She ran a hand through her hair, grabbing her keys and heading to her car, she needed to destress; she would meet up with Kojurou.
”Busy?” Jin was always straight to the point when she needed a release, but it wasn’t often that she contacted him first.
”No, I can come to you.” That was a first, Jin must’ve been in a peculiar mood that day, or she felt it only fair to make the trip out to him.
He blinked and looked around his room to make sure it was as clean as he thought it was before he responded, "Alright, I'll let Masamune-sama know you're coming over as a personal guest."
Jin would arrive soon enough, entering Masamune’s estate and waiting in the front like she was asked while someone ran for Kojurou.
“Not at all.” Jin said, following him inside. The estate was just as it was last time when she had entered, the low lit bar filled with smoke and drinking patrons.
Jin bowed her head to Masamune and Megohime, who was puffing on a pipe laying on a couch and her feet still bandaged up.
Jin shrugged off her coat and hung it on the coat rack, looking to Kojurou over her shoulder. “Your leather gloves, put them on.”
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