Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nana was due any day now, Mitsunari trailing her like her own shadow, and for good reason. She was passed her due date, and it was starting to be a bit more of a struggle to get around. While tinkering with her mechanical contraptions one day, she nearly fell out of her chair, pain coming in waves suddenly. “M-Mitsunari..!” She called, trying to stand.
Ishida was by her side in an instant, helping to her feet and looking almost genuinely concerned, "Are you alright, Nana-dono? Are you having contractions?" He asked.
Nana nodded, wheezing softly in pain. “Yes.. Will you help me to Hanbei..?” She asked, sweat already beading on her forehead.
"Of course, my Lady." He replied and helped her to Hanbei's more 'open' lab. "Hanbei-sama!" Mitsunari called, "Nana-dono is beginning to go into labor!"
Hanbei looked up from his computer, giving a nod. “Take her to one of the exam rooms, the last one, I’ve equipped it with what she’ll need to give birth.” He said, then stood.
Mitsunari nodded and helped Nana into the last room, helping her into the bed and making sure she was comfortable before he left to go inform Hideyoshi.
Nana groaned softly, already deathgripping the handles on the bed, focusing on her breathing like Hanbei had told her. Entering the room, Hanbei went to work immediately hooking up Nana to some monitors and helping her out of her clothes and into a hospital gown.
"Hideyoshi-sama!" Mitsunari stopped beside his lord and bowed, "Nana-dono, she's gone into labor." Akihime's bedroom door cracked open so she could listen. Nana had gone into labor? She moved to her vanity and started to write a letter to Motochika, her handwriting sloppy as she tried to be quick. She took her dove from its cage and tied the letter to its leg before whispering Motochika's name to it and setting it out the window. She went back to her door to listen to the conversation and gasped when Shima opened the door.
"What are you doing?" He asked. Akihime gulped.
"I was just seeing if Nana-dono was ok...if you came with me, could I go be with her? Please, Shima?" She asked. Shima made a noise, unable to say no to a beautiful woman.
"Alright." He said and followed her down to Nana's medical room.
Nana already felt like she was going to burst, Hanbei instructing her to not push just yet, but that all her body desperately wanted to do. Whining softly, she worked on her breathing exercises, listening to Hanbei give instructions to his assistants.
Akihime stood outside the room with Shima, pacing worriedly. Mitsunari came down some time later, alone, and Akihime frowned.
"Where's Hideyoshi?"
"He said he was much too busy." Mitsunari answered. She scowled softly and paced more.
"Too busy to be there for the birth of his own child. Ridiculous." She muttered bitterly.
They would wait outside of her hospital room for hours, Nana’s screams of pain coming every so often as she was instructed to push, then things were quiet for a while. The next screams that came weren’t from Nana, but a newborn baby, and a healthy one at that by the sound of its crying.
Akihime was anxious, wanting to check on Nana desperately, "Hanbei-sama...! Hanbei-sama, is she ok?! Are they ok?!" Mitsunari seemed just as worried, standing behind Akihime as they waited.
The door opened and Hanbei was pulling of a protective gown from himself. “Silence child, neither mother of babe want to hear your caterwauling.” He let out a sigh, tired from delivering the baby. “They’re both fine, but require rest.”
Hanbei let out another sigh, but relented, probably due to Mitsunari asking. “Make it brief, she did just give birth.” He said, stepping aside to let them in.
Nana was being tended to by nurses, one wiping the sweat off of her face with a wet cloth, a few others tending to Hideyoshi’s child, cleaning the blood off of him in a tub of warm water.
"Nana-dono...!" Akihime moved to her side, Mitsunari close behind her, "You did great, I'm so glad to see you're ok.." She smiled.
"Are you alright?" Mitsunari asked.
Nana gave a tired smile, nodding. “I’m alright, took about as long as I thought it would.” She laughed softly. Once the baby was clean and wrapped up, he was brought over to Nana, who hesitantly took the child. He had small tufts of black hair, with crimson red eyes. He was a large and healthy baby, squirming as he looked up at those who gathered around him.
"Buddah, he looks almost just like him..." Akihime muttered. Mitsunari was relieved and bowed to Nana politely before leaving. Akihime's glanced around before she leaned over, making it look like she was cooing over the infant.
"I've sent word to Motochika-sama...he should arrive soon..." She whispered.
Nana nodded, feeling her stomach doing flips, not realizing just how much she had missed Motochika. Though she hadn’t been with him long, even in her moment of need, he helped her, regardless of being his enemy. “Thank you, Akihime-dono.”
She only smiled and nodded, "Get your rest, you deserve it." She said before giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze and left to return to her room with Shima.
Nana nodded, handing her newborn son off to a nurse and being helped to the showers as she requested. As she showered, she felt conflicted, could she leave her child behind? He was Hideyoshi’s son, but that didn’t mean he would act how his father acted; she also knew that if she were to take the child with her, she would never be free, being hunted constantly. She didn’t know what to do.
"Aniki! Aki-chan's dove is approaching!"
"Catch it! Catch it, goddammit!" Motochika barked. The men scrambled to get the bird to come over, catching it gently and pulling the letter from its leg before taking it to Motochika. The Pirate King read it over and grinned.
"Nana has had her child! We can bring her home, men!" He announced. The crew cheered, glad to hear that Nana was ok and would be coming home.
"Make port for Osaka, you crustaceans! We've got a damsel to save!"
"Aniki!" The men cheered and set sail at once.
Nana was later taken to her room to recover, her child remaining with Hanbei so he could monitor the child for any illness that didn’t show immediately. Hideyoshi had yet to still come see his son that Nana knew of, and highly doubted he would come see her at all. Laying in bed with her arm draped over her eyes, she dozed. He would probably only send for her once she was fit enough to conceive another child, and even then he wouldn’t be present. He was far too big for her, and just like the last time, they would more than likely use artificial insemination.
A couple days passed as she rested and recovered and suddenly one night the security alarms were blaring throughout the whole estate. Motochika and his men were swarming the area, fighting their way through like demons after blood. Shima told Akihime to stay in her room while he went to help fight.
Nana was instructed by Hideyoshi’s guards to stay in her room, but once he left, she slipped on her shoes, pulled a coat over her sleeping attire, and grabbed a small trinket from her desk, the one she had been working on since she had returned. Hurrying out down the hall, she avoided Toyotomi’s soldiers the best she could, searching for Motochika.
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