Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She sat in her cell for a while, days at least, before anyone came to her. Naturally, it was Akihime, and she looked heartbroken to see her friend behind bars. "Hello, Ama..." She greeted softly, giving a small smile, "I finally convinced Mitsunari to let me see you...sorry I'm so late...have they been feeding you...? I brought you some isn't much, but..." She unwrapped a small bento full of rice and sesame chicken with pickled cucumbers and slid it through the slot, "I hope you like it...!"
Amaya was sitting on the edge of the cot in the jail cell, looking up only when she heard Akihime speak. She immediately looked away however, tears stinging at her eyes and her fists clenched. “I do not deserve such kindness, Akihime-sama.” She sounded close to crying, eyes downcast.
Amaya didn’t believe a word of what Akihime said, but nodded and began to eat regardless. She would cry the entire time, tears dripping silently down her cheeks.
Akihime smiled sadly and slipped her hand through the slot, "Hey..." She called gently, "It'll be ok, Ama...I'll always be here for you, no matter what, just like you are for me. I promise you.."
“But I wasn’t!” Her voice sounded pained. “It was I who dragged you back to your hell, and it was I who harmed you! I’ve failed you..”
She shook her head, "I'm not having any of that nonsense. You did nothing wrong. You were forced and reprogrammed, father told me far as I'm concerned, it was Hanbei-sama who wronged me, not you." She stated, "I know you would never do anything to intentionally cause me harm...I cannot blame you for something you were unwilling to do. I care so deeply for you and will do all that I can to have you one will tear us apart." She extended her pinkie finger and smiled brightly, "I promise."
It was so nice to hear Akihime’s voice, and though slightly distorted through the audio receiver, it was her. She locked her pinkie with Akihime’s and squeezed. “I’ll be transferred somewhere else soon.. I wasn’t told where, but more than likely I’ll either be decommissioned, regardless, I’ll be imprisoned indefinitely.”
"I'll ask Ieyasu-sama for help. Don't worry about a thing. We'll run away and live with him and be free of Hideyoshi's grasp." She said, "What would you like for dinner? I'll sneak you down whatever you want!"
Amaya shook her head. “This meal will be enough to suffice, please don’t risk running into more trouble for my sake.”
The next day, when Akihime came by to bring Amaya her meal, a guard stopped her. “Halt, you will need higher clearance to go passed this point, sorry, Akihime-sama.”
Akihime scowled and looked him dead in the eye, "Mitsunari-sama gave me full clearance to come down to visit Amaya. You will allow me to pass." She stated, her voice dual toned and hypnotic.
The guard stared at her slack-jawed for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter. “Uh yeah, no, I won’t.” He waved her off. “You don’t have clearance for shit, and even if you did, you wouldn’t see her. She’s already been transferred.”
Her eyes widened and she almost dropped the bento, "Already... transferred...?" She repeated before her face scrunched in absolute sorrow and she threw the bento in his face before she ran away, "Hanbei-sama!" She sobbed loudly, hunting down the Toyotomi scientist.
Hanbei was speaking with Hideyoshi when he heard his name being called from all the way down the hall, letting out a sigh. “Oh dear..” He turned to look at Akihime as she moved toward him. “Yes, Akihime?”
"Why did you send her away? Where did you take my Amaya?! You have no right to punish her for your own failures!" She hissed. Hideyoshi watched her silently for a moment.
"Watch your tongue, Akihime." He warned.
Hanbei held up one hand, his face expressionless.
“It’s quite alright, Hideyoshi-sama.” He said over his shoulder, then looked to Akihime, moving over to her.
“Tell me, how have I failed dear Akihime?” He asked, holding his PDA close to his chest, walking around her. “Amaya was only let live becuase I willed it, because she was useful to me.” He stopped just behind her. “Amaya is no longer useful to me, she has outlived her usefulness, and will now be decommissioned.”
"She's useful to me!" She argued, whirling on him, "She was assigned as my guardian and she was doing a wonderful job until you decided you didn't want her around anymore! Because she actually saw the danger in my staying here with you heartless monsters! She did was she was told to the letter and you know that, Hanbei-sama!"
“Indeed she was wonderful at watching you, but she hardly kept you under control, which is why Shima was appointed as your new guardian.” He walked around her and returned to Hideyoshi’s side. “This isn’t a debate, she is already gone.”
She fumed and turned, slapping Hanbei as hard as she could. Hideyoshi grabbed her by the throat after that and she gasped, clawing at his hand as he lifted her off the ground.
Hanbei held up his hand to show Hideyoshi he was fine. “It’s alright Hideyoshi, you may put her down.” He said, gently touching his red cheek. “She is simply an upset child, just send her back to her room.”
Hideyoshi dropped Akihime and she coughed, holding her neck and glaring hatefully before running off. She wasn't going to help them until they brought Amaya back.
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