Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

He stumbled back and tried to continue forward, but the ice was forming faster than his body could melt it, and his joints locked up because of it. He could do nothing more then stand and await his fate. Knowing Amaya was going to put Tadakatsu out of commission, Akihime grabbed whatever she could find and threw it at Amaya - a discarded gun clip was heavy enough to get her friend's attention away from Tadakatsu.
Amaya had sustained some serious damage to her mechanical parts, but could still move, so once Tadakatsu was away from her she holstered her gun. Then something heavy hit her in the head. Turning to look in the direction the object had come from, she saw Akihime, staring at her for a moment before moving over to her. She was silent the entire time, grabbing Akihime by the arm and yanking her to her feet, forcing her to walk as they headed for the exit.
Akihime was screaming, the weight on her injured leg causing her serious pain. She beat on Amaya's arm, begging her to let her go between sobs. Ieyasu had finally managed to make it out, wrapping a torn sheet around his wound to slow the bleeding, but he had to be quick. He made a promise to protect Akihime, and he would keep it. Ignoring the burning in his abdomen, he made a hard sprint toward Amaya before skidding to a stop in front of her and breaking her arm to get her to release Akihime.
"I'll be alright. Get as far as you can to safety, quickly, I'll distract her!"
"But, Ieyasu-!"
"Go, Akihime! Please, I'll be alright.." Ieyasu told her. Akihime nodded and hobbled away as quickly as she could.
Amaya had used up all of her ammunition fighting Tadakatsu, so all she was left with was her robotic arm and leg. Her flesh and blood arm was no good, but it didn’t matter, her systems told her to simply eliminate the current target and to after Akihime. She charged first, aiming to punch at his gut, wanting to end the fight as quickly as possible.
He deflected her blow and made a swing of his own. "What happened to you, Amaya? Not days before did you beg me to house her, now you wish to return her to Hideyoshi? Did they bribe you? Threaten you? Tell me, please!"
She didn’t respond, only swung again and again, and as they fought, he caught glimpses of the closer up incisions behind her ears. Had they taken her ability to hear as well? Her expression was completely different from before too, it was almost like she had become an entirely different person since he last saw her.
"I see...they did something to change you." He noted with a frown before, deflecting all her swings and kicks easily enough and also trying not to put all of his inhuman strength into his own swings.
Although not using his full strength, Amaya was battered around like a rag doll. Creating a gnarly looking blade from ice, she charged at Ieyasu once more, face as expressionless as ever; what had they done to her?
He had lost too much blood, he was woozy and tired. He didn't move, accepting his fate, closing his eyes and ready to reunite with Shuzu in the afterlife. But nothing happened, though he did feel the icy point just barely against his wound.
"I thought I told you not to let anything happen to Akihime." Ieyasu opened his eyes and gasped. Mitsunari had his odachi pushed straight through to the hilt in Amaya's gut, glaring death at her, "You couldn't even do that right, could you?"
"And now, here you are, trying to take my kill from me. I would have your head on a pike if Hanbei-sama didn't need you around." Mitsunari snarled through his teeth, completely ignoring Ieyasu for now.
“Mi...tsunari-sama..” Blood pushed passed Amaya’s lips and dripped down her chin, eyes wide in surprise. “Forgive me..” Her legs buckled and she sunk to her knees, the blade pulling out of her as she fell to the ground. More blood spilled on the ground in front of her, holding a hand over her wound to stop the bleeding.
"Don't move, Ieyasu, or I will kill you right here." Mitsunari stated, pointing his blade at Ieyasu.
"She's dying!"
"She'll be fine. Hanbei-sama knows what to do." Mitsunari said and pulled Amaya upright. He kept his blade trained on Ieyasu as he walked away, "We have what we came for. You get to live for now. Do not follow, Ieyasu."
Amaya followed after Mitsunari without hesitation, but she did stumble and nearly fall to her knees a few times, bleeding heavily from her wound. Once out of sight and around the corner, the only sign of Amaya being there was a frozen Tadakatsu, and a large trail of blood.
Ieyasu moved to Tadakatsu, pulling back the panel in his head and pushing him into overdrive just to free his joints. When Tadakatsu could move again, he took Ieyasu to the infirmary at lightning speeds.

When Mitsunari returned to the trucks, he pushed Amaya into the back where Akihime was getting her leg treated. She tried to keep as far from Amaya as possible, tears filling her eyes again as she eyed her cautiously with fear in her eyes.
"Work on her next." Mitsunari ordered before he shut the doors.
Amaya laid on her side, staring up at the ceiling of the van blankly as blood seeped through her shirt and onto the floor of the van, creating a pool of blood around her. She hardly registered Akihime, only focusing on breathing as she died slowly.
"H-Help Ama, please, she's dying.." Akihime pleaded weakly and the medic nodded as he moved to work on Amaya's wound. It was pretty clean, so Hanbei's medicine would work well and quickly. He injected her with the shot and started to clean both sides of the wound, making sure there would be no infection when it healed.
Amaya made no noise as he worked on her wound, her face quite pale from blood loss. As of right now, she was merely idling, having no orders from Mitsunari. She would not move from that spot until told otherwise, even if it meant she was to die first.
Akihime watched her quietly, even as they drove, worried for what was done to her friend. Would Ieyasu be alright as well? She didn't know what happened to him after she ran and Mitsunari found her. She would have to ask, even if he didn't give her a straight answer.
The whole ride back gave Akihime a true new meaning to horror, her closest friend was unresponsive to her, and she would be once again dragged back as a traitor.
Once her leg was finished being treated, the trucks stopped. The doors opened and Mitsunari stood there before climbing in to grab Amaya.
"No!" Akihime threw herself over her friend, shielding her, "No, I won't let you take her from me ever again!"
"Get out of the way, Akihime, this is none of your concern." Mitsunari stated. Akihime glared and only held Amaya tighter.
"You'll have to kill me." She stated firmly. Mitsunari glared and moved closer.
"Do not tempt me with such things. I may act on them." He responded lowly.
Amaya’s blank blue eyes stared at Mitsunari over Akihime’s shoulder, waiting for a command, expecting one, almost desiring it. Along with her free will, her personality was erased, desiring nothing. Her only purpose was to serve, all without question.
"Fix her." Akihime demanded. Mitsunari snorted and grabbed Akihime's arm, prying her away. Akihime screamed and struggled, begging Amaya to remember.
"You will go to your room and stay there until Hideyoshi-sama has chosen a suitable punishment for you!"
"No! No, you can't do this, you can't! Please, she's all I have, she's all I have! I can't lose her, Mitsunari, please!!" Akihime sobbed, trying to beat her way free. He grew annoyed and hit her over the head, watching as her strikes became weaker as she lost consciousness.
Amaya didn’t even flinch when Mitsunari hit Akihime, simply laying where she had been thrown by Mitsunari previously. In her right mind, she would have jumped up and tried her best to defend Akihime, to try and beat Mitsunari senseless, but she was no longer herself.
"Ama...tasukette...." Akihime slurred before she fell still. Mitsunari picked her up and carried her inside, the task force signaling Amaya to follow.
Amaya immediately sat up, getting out of the van and following, regardless of the large amount of blood she had lost, being a bit weak in the knees.
Mitsunari passed Akihime to Shima, who seemed rather happy to have the young girl in his arms. "Take her to her room, make sure she stays there."
"Of course, you have my word." Shima smiled and carried Akihime up the stairs. Mitsunari signaled to Amaya to follow as he guided her to Yoshitsugu's work room.
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