Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

The strap had deep bite marks in it, but it hadn’t been chewed through; even after all of the straps had been removed, she sat in wait. Waiting for her next command.
An assistant- one of Hanbei’s -moved over next, moving aside her hair and moving her head a bit to look at her ear. With a scalpel, she cut into the flesh just behind her ear, destroying the cochlea, and when she was done, she sewed up the incision and moved to her other ear.
Now that Amaya could no longer hear, she wouldn’t be able to hear Akihime, rendering Akihime’s ability useless, but it also meant she couldn’t hear her orders. She would however be able to read lips to take commands, or have commands input directly via Yoshitsugu’s laptop.
"She's all yours, Mitsunari." Yoshitsugu said. Mitsunari nodded and moved to face Amaya.
"You will go to the Tokugawa estate and retrieve Akihime. Failure is not an option." He stated slowly so she could read his lips.
Amaya had a very serene look on her face, nodding. “Of course, Mitsunari-sama.” She agreed, putting her hand over her heart in a salute. “I will bring Akihime-sama back at any cost.”
Amaya followed without hesitation, keeping just a few steps behind Mitsunari the entire way. She was completely obedient, matching his step perfectly, not even her eyes wandered.
Mitsunari made sure that all of the Toyotomi Special Task Force was well armored and armed before signaling everyone to load up into the trucks. He only wore a kevlar vest and made sure his odachi was as sharp as ever before he entered the first vehicle.
Amaya sat in the van along side Mitsunari, checking over her weapons before holstering them and sitting in silence. It was strange just how easily her song and dance changed when Yoshitsugu made a few adjustments.
The ride to the Tokugawa estate was long and silent, and they parked out of sight so no one could see what was going to happen. The task force went in first, scanning the area and making sure it was safe for Mitsunari to pass through. Said Ishida didn't care for their slow pace and marched ahead, gripping the sheath of his odachi tightly.
Just as silent as during the ride there, Amaya drew her pistol and walked just behind Mitsunari, looking around for any sign of the enemy, scowling softly.
Any guard spotted was either shot down or cut down silently as to not alert Ieyasu yet to their presence. Mitsunari turned to Amaya and signaled to her. "Go locate Akihime. Bring her to the trucks unharmed."
“Understood.” Amaya said with a nod, jogging off through a cleared side entrance into the Tokugawa estate. Navigating the long corridors was no problem, a relitively accurate map had been uploaded to her database, allowing her to make her way toward the main halls rather easily.
Her cybernetics told her Akihime was on the second floor near the south-east side of the estate; someone else was with her, a man. Ieyasu, maybe.
Amaya took the stairs, shooting anyone who either saw her or who she saw, her silencer keeping the noise level down. Once at the second floor, she made her way toward the room Akihime was supposed to be, opening the door and stepping inside.
"Ama!" Akihime jumped up and ran over, hugging Amaya tightly, "You came back! I'm so glad you managed to get away...!"
"Welcome, Amaya. It's good to see you." Ieyasu greeted with a smile.
Amaya stared at Ieyasu blankly over Akihime’s shoulder, slowly wrapping one arm around Akihime’s waist before raising her other arm. In one fluid motion, she trained her gun on Ieyasu, and pulled the trigger twice. Each bullet hit it’s mark, both hitting him right in the gut; holstering her weapon, she turned, still firmly holding Akihime, picking her up, and carrying her back out the way she had come.
"Ieyasu-sama!!" Akihime screamed in horror and started thrashing, "Amaya, put me down! What are you doing?! Why did you shoot him?!" When Amaya didn't respond and only tightened her grip, she thrashed harder, "Amaya! Answer me!"
Amaya’s hold on Akihime was far much greater than Akihime could struggle to break free from, easily making her way down the corridors and toward the back door where Mitsunari would be waiting.
Something solid slammed into Amaya, causing Akihime to fall with her and crash into the floor. It was Tadakatsu, his eyes lit up and flowing a bright red as he stood a ways away. He must have heard the gunfire. Akihime groaned, a little dazed from hitting her head against the wall from when he slammed into Amaya.
Amaya tumbled, but landed on her feet in a squatting position, reaching for her gun and drawing her weapon. “Please continue outside, Akihime-sama.” Was all she said before shooting at Tadakatsu, ice forming on her free hand as she charged the android.
"Ama, stop..." Akihime pleaded weakly, still trying to regain a stable focus. Tadakatsu's synthetic skin swallowed the bullets like they meant nothing, the steel plating shielding his exoskeleton only slightly dented from the impact as he marched toward Amaya.
Amaya touched the wall as she ran, frost spreading across the walls and onto the floor and ceiling, quickly turning into ice, then ice shards that shot out to impale Tadakatsu.
As soon as they impaled him, they melted, his internal temperature naturally running incredibly hot. Akihime pushed herself up and rubbed her head, making her way to check on Ieyasu.
As soon as Akihime made it a certain distance down the hall, pain shot through her leg- well, actually, it was a bullet- Amaya had shot her in the calve, making it too painful for Akihime to walk.
Still engaged with Tadakatsu, she aimed for his eyes, shooting relentlessly.
Akihime dropped, sobbing loudly as she held her bleeding leg. She didn't understand what was happening, why was Amaya doing this? Why wouldn't she answer her questions.
Tadakatsu actually grabbed the bullets and tossed them aside before rushing at Amaya and shoulder slamming her into a wall, using all his robotic strength to punch her over and over.
Amaya coughed up a good amount of blood, then before he could land another blow, grabbed his fist. He was much stronger than her, so all she was able to manage was keeping his fist from hitting her again. He was however too close to dodge her bullets, pressing the pistol into his side and firing. At the same time, she pushed her knee into his gut, ice rapidly forming over his body.
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