Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Amaya followed silently as death, leaving a small trail of blood and oil as she walked, once again, her arm had been damaged and would need repairs.
Mitsunari opened the door to Yoshitsugu's work area and the older man was waiting patiently. "Ah, she looks better than I expected her to be." Yoshitsugu remarked. Mitsunari motioned for Amaya to sit on the table so Yoshitsugu could work.
Sitting down on the table and under the light, Amaya’s complexion was shown to be quite pale, she would need a blood transfusion soon or shock would start to take hold of her, regardless if her robotic parts were repaired.
Yoshitsugu began to hum to himself as he went to work hooking up a blood bag to keep her alive while he worked on her repairs.
"Do you know if they'll fix her hearing, Mitsunari?" Yoshitsugu asked. The white haired man glanced over briefly from the door before looking back out.
"That is up to Hanbei-sama."
"Of course, I was merely curious."
Amaya watched Yoshitsugu’s lips move beneath the bandages, but could hear nothing, nor could she read his lips, had he given her a command? She looked to Mitsunari, but he was facing away from her, perhaps not? She would wait regardless.
Yoshitsugu went to work fixing her arm first, which was only a little damaged from her fight with Ieyasu. Her leg would need a little more repairs done to it however.
As always with Amaya since her software update, she was as silent as death, saying nothing and waiting patiently, it almost made things no fun, she didn’t even struggle.
It took him a couple hours but the repairs were easily made, but instead of Yoshitsugu allowing her to leave, he moved to hook her back up to his laptop.
"What are you doing, Gyobu?" Mitsunari asked. Yoshitsugu glanced up before going back through the files he had for Amaya's programming.
"Well, they didn't tell me to keep her in this state, now did they?" He asked before deleting the combat program and reuploading her original data that he had saved in a back up.
The pain in her eyes was immediate, as soon at Yoshitsugu started the reupload, Amaya clenched her fists and ground her teeth so hard, the two of them could hear it, but she made no noise. Surely she would be unruly once the upload was complete, what if she attacked either of them?
Mitsunari was ready for anything but Yoshitsugu wasn't worried. When the upload finished, Yoshitsugu moved around to Amaya and spoke in sign language.
"How do you feel? Do you remember anything?"
As soon at he had finished signing, he was slugged hard in the face, knocking him back over his chair and onto the floor. Yeah, she definitely remembered. Jumping up, she launched herself at Yoshitsugu, pinning him down and bringing her fist back to hit him again.
Mitsunari was on her in an instant, grabbing her and throwing her down on the ground.
"Are you alright, Gyobu?"
"Yes, she just caught me by surprise." Yoshitsugu replied.
Amaya hit the floor and grunted, wanting nothing more than to beat on Yoshitsugu more, but knew she’d have a better chance of being cut in two by Mitsunari, so she stayed down. “You fucking bastard!” Her voice came out a bit more than she wanted it to, but that seemed rather normal for someone who had just been rendered deaf.
Yoshitsugu pushed himself up and rubbed his jaw before signing again.
"I only did what I was told. If I hadn't reinstalled your back up, you would still be in that state. You're welcome, by the way."
“Stop-“ She ground her teeth and struggled to her feet. “Stop fucking doing that at me!” She was too angry, much too angry for reason. “Where is Akihime?!”
Yoshitsugu looked annoyed and started to speak but Amaya could hear nothing. Only a loud irritating ringing sound in her ears. When she noticed his mouth stop moving, it was clear she had no idea what he had said.
Amaya touched her ears, then her fingers found the incisions just behind them, what had they done? She gnashed her teeth; now was not the time to be feeling sorry for oneself, so she relented and signed to Yoshitsugu. ”Where is Akihime?”
"I believe in her room with Shima. I don't really know what happened during the raid but if Mitsunari is here and not guarding her, she must be unconscious." He answered.
Amaya was shoving passed Mitsunari in a second, moving quickly down the hallway toward Akihime’s room. Shima was alone with her? Nothing good would come of that.
When Amaya got to Akihime's room, Shima was playing with her hair as she laid out cold in her bed. He looked and his lips were moving, something about him glad to see Amaya was ok. But she wasn't focused on that. She was focused on his hands on Akihime.
Amaya nearly froze his head solid, but instead she opted for stomping right over to him and decking him in the face as hard as she physically could. “Don’t fucking touch her you swill!”
He held his jaw and glared, ready to duke it out with her but opted to just leave. Akihime looked better, that was for sure, her cheeks stained with tears and her leg in a splint.
Amaya moved over to Akihime once Shima had left, but stopped before she got too close to the bed. She had been the one to shoot Akihime, Akihime was like this because of her. Unforgivable, completely and utterly unforgivable. She clenched her fists and scowled, tears in her eyes.
She could vaguely remember Akihime trying to defend her from Mitsunari, demanding that she be fixed. Even after all Amaya had done, Akihime would still do her best to protect her.
Her own actions disgusted her, she was no protector, she was no friend, she was a traitor and nothing more. Turning away from Akihime, she headed for the door, closing it behind her. A guard was waiting for her outside, she was still standing accused of treason, and she would be imprisoned.
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