Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"And a very dear friend, yes." He smiled before moving over with some tools, "He gets into a lot of fights when he goes off on his own, comes back with something broken."
“I have only heard about him in reports, but they were often limited.” She said, looking at her leg. Ieyasu had given her a change of clothes, and for the time being, she wore a pair of loose shorts so he could work on her leg. Many of the wires were exposed and cut, Sasuke having taken off both the flesh on the outside and the protective plating durning the fight, leaving her leg usable, but rather unstable.
Her cheeks flushed a bit and she rubbed the side of her neck. “I am a bit embarrassed to say, but yes.” She admitted, watching him work.
"Don't be embarrassed, I know how rowdy he can be." He said, "He does what he wants and what he can to set Hideyoshi back as much as possible."
She nodded, than sat back, looking around the shop as Ieyasu worked. It felt familiar somehow, had she been here before she had died? It was possible. “Can I ask, what was Shuzu to you?” She asked softly.
"She was very dear to me..." He replied, a fondness in his tone, "The whole room would light up at her presence...her smile would melt your heart like no other..."
“Did you love her?” Her question caught him off guard, but there was no smugness or malice in her tone.
He stopped working for a moment before returning to his work, a sad smile on his face, "I did, but...we couldn't be together...obligations to the family and such..."
“I see, I’m sorry to hear that.” She said softly, not knowing what else to say. She wondered if Shuzu loved him back? By the sound of what Ieyasu said, she more than likely did. Did she love him? Was it possible that Shuzu’s feelings for him still resided within her? She didn’t know.
Amaya winced slightly when he connected her leg and the nerves were jumpstarted. Wiggling her toes, she rolled her ankle and tested her functions, nodding. “Feels good.”
She shook her head, leaning back against the wall. “You’re fine, it’s just the connecting nerves that hurt.” She said as he worked on repairing her arm.
They talked for hours as Ieyasu worked on her arm, which had taken most of the damage, requiring a lot of parts to be completely replaced. She would speak with him when he talked, sometimes only listening, and occasionally dozing off.
Amaya sat up, moving a bit closer to look at his handiwork. “That was fast.” She sounded impressed, looking over thearm.
“I didn’t take Tadakatsu for much of a talker.” She said, a faint smile on her lips. It was easy to talk to him, and he was kind in return, she could see why Shuzu loved him.
“Ah, I see.” She chuckled softly; perhaps it was the kindness and normalcy Ieyasu presented when talking with her, but she was comfortable, like how she felt when she spoke with Akihime.
It was then the workshop door opened and a tall, incredibly muscular man stepped in. His hair was black as pitch with a side shave, his eyes an inhuman shade of red. When the man saw Amaya, his eyes lit up like a terminator. Ieyasu stood in front of him, hands up to stop him. "Tadakatsu, hang on, she's a friend! It's Shuzu!" He blurted. Tadakatsu stood down after that, his eyes no longer glowing.
Amaya had stood defensively when Tadakatsu’s eyes lit up, but when Ieyasu stepped in to calm him down, she relaxed, but only a little. “I-I should probably go..” She said softly. “It’ll be too hard to explain to the people here who remember Shuzu.”
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