Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Sasuke gave her a look that pretty much said "whatever" and shook his head. "Nuh-uh, robots don't do much outside of their programming."
“I’m not a robot.” She said snidely. “I’m a cyborg. Parts of me are real flesh and blood. But I guess you would need a manual to understand that too.”
"That was really weak, wow, I'm disappointed." He said. He turned when the he heard the doors open and one of his men come down to speak with him.
"Ieyasu-sama is here."
"Ah, good!" Sasuke looked to Amaya, ruffling his feathers, "Be right back." He told her before heading out.
Amaya only snorted, guess she’d wait for him there. She was rather exhausted, wanting nothing more than to lay in a warm bed and sleep.
It would be a while - Sasuke was probably trying to get some sympathy for Yukimura - before the doors opened and anyone came to her cell. Sure enough, there stood Ieyasu, but he looked awestruck. Pale even. Like he had seen a ghost.
Amaya scowled softly. Surely he wasn’t calling her Shuzu? No, of course he was. “Sorry to disappoint, but no, I think you’ve got the wrong person.”
"No, no, is you, it is...! You vanished after the raid, I thought..." He moved closer, looking heartbroken, "What did Hideyoshi do to you...?"
Amaya looked uncomfortable as he got closer. “You aren’t making any sense.” She muttered.
He made a noise, "I'm sorry...maybe you're right. Would you like to stay with me until you can return to Hideyoshi? I can fix your arm for you."
“I don’t think I have much of a choice in this matter, him being traded off after all.” She said sourly.
"Ah, but you see, I have no secure means to bring you to my home. So if you so wanted, you could just run off and I would never see you again." He said with a smile.
Amaya actually felt her face heat up, and she quickly adverted her eyes. “I can’t move much anyway, a lot of my mechanics have been damaged.” She muttered.
“And what if I were to turn on you while your guard is down and kill you?” She asked, glancing at him.
"It would be very unfortunate but it would be your choice to make." He told her kindly. There was no condescension in his tone; he was as genuine as can be.
“Fine.” She sighed. “I’ll go.” She relented; returning to Hideyoshi would be suicide anyway.
Amaya could hardly feel her legs when she did stand, grunting softly and holding onto Ieyasu for support.
He took her to his car and helped her in before getting in himself. He didn't make much conversation, he seemed to know she didn't like to talk.
Amaya stared at the severed robotic arm she had on her lap, frowning softly. “You called me Shuzu earlier, why?” She asked.
"Ah, I guess it's because you look strikingly familiar to someone I once knew. I haven't seen her in so long, but I have accepted that her life was lost long ago." He answered solemnly.
Amaya stole a glance at Ieyasu, studying his face for a moment before looking back down at her severed arm. Why did she get the feeling that he wasn’t telling the whole truth. “Oh.”
“You might not be wrong to assume.” She said quietly, looking out of the passenger window. “I was not born into this body, I was implanted. This very well might’ve been your friend.” She almost sounded apologetic.
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