Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Touched a nerve? Don't like the idea that I could just as easily get into your house and get my dusty feathers all over your pretty girlfriend?" He taunted
“You’d have each feather pulled from your body before you could touch Akihime-sama.” She hissed out.
She could feel tears prick at her eyes, grinding her teeth and struggling to break free from her restraints. “What do you want from me? Your boy toy bitch?”
"I would prefer you not call dana such diminutive names, but yes. I need him back. Obviously they aren't going to keep him in the same place so I wanna know where they would take him now and how tight the security is gonna be. Tell me and you get to go home to your whore. She's probably forgotten all about you anyway and opened her legs up for someone else." He stated.
Sasuke could practically see the veins on Amaya’s neck as she struggled in rage. “Fuck you!” She spat at him, struggling so hard, it looked like she’d break her arm to get out.
Amaya’s eyes darkened, and she glared at Sasuke so intensely, he thought that her eyes would burst into flames. Then she did something deeply unsettling.
”Sasuke!! Please, make them stop!” It was Yukimura’s voice - his exact voice - screaming in agony, begging for help, only it came from Amaya’s mouth.
His eyes widened and he actually took a step back. "Dana?" He muttered. He shook his head, "I'm not falling for any tricks. Where are they keeping him?!"
”What gave you the impression I’m still alive, Sasuke?” Amaya tilted her head, rage still burning in her eyes, but she spoke in her own voice this time. “I never told that bounty hunter he needed to capture Sanada alive.” She said coldly, a smile slowly spreading on her face.
“I can’t tell you.” She said through her teeth. “I don’t know where he is, and even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you shit. You’ve just been wasting your time here.”
“I don’t know anything!” She lurched forward, the cuff cutting further into her wrist than it already had. “They haven’t told me anything about him, I was only told to get him back!” She sounded desperate now.
“It’s the truth!” She said firmly. “I wouldn’t lie if it meant putting Akihime-sama in danger.” Either She was a very good liar, or she was telling the truth.
He made a noise and searched her for any hint of a lie. He couldn't find one, but then again she was trained for this. He huffed and left without another word.
Amaya sat in deafening silence, her nerves beyond frazzled as she waited. Would he go attack Akihime regardless? She hated waiting, but there wasn’t much else she could do.
The waiting would be endless, or at least it felt that way, before she heard the sounds of his talons again as he approached. He had a laptop and some cords as well as a technical manual.
Amaya gave a glance to all of the tech Sasuke was holding, a frown forming on her face. Was he planning what she thought he was? There was no way he was on the same technological level as Yoshitsugu, right?
"Let's see here..." He muttered to himself before opening the tech manual and scanning it briefly before hooking the cords up to Amaya and the laptop, making sure he was doing everything right.
Having cords hooked up to her head was rather uncomfortable, it always was, but there was something especially violating about Sasuke doing it. Regardless, her scalp was already torn open, exposing the many ports on the side of her head under the fake flesh.
Turning the laptop on and sitting in front of it, Sasuke looked over the manual for a long time. His eyes blazed over the words a mile a minute, but he still looked clueless as what to do.
“Want me to read it to you? I know it’s a little difficult, but I’m sure if you read it long enough you’ll get it.” She said, irritated about the wires sticking out of her head.
"Shut up." He said and started typing on the laptop, cursing every now and again and hitting the backspace like it had wronged him, "I can do it."
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