Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Megohime stopped his hand with hers before Masamune could unravel the gauze. “Wait..” How was she embarrsssed about something like this? “She felt her cheeks burning red. “Let a doctor see to it.. You shouldn’t have to see them..”
Tears dropped down her face and onto the bed, Megohime nodding. “Okay.” She said, pulling her hand away so he could unwrap her feet.
Masamune carefully unwrapped the blood soaked gauze and tossed them into the trash before he began to gently clean her wounds, "You're one of us, Mego...we care for our own. No matter how stupid it may seem.."
Megohime was overwhelmed by her emotions, nodding as Masamune spoke. She was one of them? Even though she was only a whore? It meant more to her than she could ever express. “Thank you.” She whispered.
"You're welcome.." He replied, thinking she was saying it for tending her wounds. He put on the burn cream Kojurou had made for her and gently regauzed the blisters, " you need help getting anywhere? I know staying in bed can suck after a while."
Megohime shook her head, rubbing her tears away. “I don’t want anyone to see me like this, it’s pitiful.” She said. “But... Stay with me for a while..?”
Megohime shook her head. “No.” She laid her head in his lap, letting out a heavy sigh. “Just stay like this for a while.”

Back at the Toyotomi estate, Hideyoshi’s men were scrambling about, trying to clean up the mess Masamune left in his wake.
Hanbei was rather upset that his lab was desecrated, and two of his assistants slain, but he seemed rather indifferent about the loss of Megohime.
"You got it, Mego..." Masamune muttered, gently petting her hair.

Akihime was trying to get away from the sound beating Mitsunari was giving her; her nose broken and her left eye swollen shut.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She sobbed, trying to protect herself from Mitsunari's beatings.
The poor girl had been cornered in her room, having no where to go and no one to help her, surely he would go too far this time. That’s why, when a familiar voice piped up, it was music to a Akihime’s ears.
“Mitsunari.” There was a firmness to it that could’ve matched Akihime’s- if only- it was Nana, standing in the open doorway, a heavy from on her face and a hand resting on her swollen stomach.
“Stop that this instant.” She demanded.
Mitsunari's fist was just about to come down on Akihime's head when Nana spoke up and he stepped away, "Hai." He replied and put some distance between himself and Akihime to assure Nana he would not cause her further harm. Akihime wheezed and choked on her sobs, looking up at Nana with tearful fear-filled eyes.
"N...Nana-dono..." She hiccupped, her voice sounded stuffy from her nose.
"Don't look at her, she's far too ugly for your eyes." Mitsunari stated and blocked Akihime from Nana's view.
“Quiet, Mitsunari.” Nana moved around Mitsunari and knelt in front of Akihime with a small grunt of effort, pulling out a handkerchief from her pocket and gently wiping Akihime’s face. She used her hand to brush away Akihime’s tears, frowning softly.
“That is no way to speak about a lady.” Her voice was gentle, soft, much like her hands.
“Can you stand, Akihime-dono?”
“Yes, well, I’m sorry it even happened.” She shot a glance to Mitsunari, taking Akihime’s hand. “Let’s go to the infirmary and get your nose looked at, yes?” She offered.
She nodded, keeping her gaze away from Mitsunari as they walked.
"Amaya is usually the one to save me from Mitsunari's wrath like that, but..." She stopped, her voice cracking, "Sh-She's missing and Mitsunari-sama won't do anything to bring her home, I'm so worried about her..."
Nana glanced at Mitsunari once more, him being just out of earshot, but close enough to act if something were to happen. With the day of her child’s birth approaching, he had grown increasingly more protective, either guarding her himself, or having guards shadow her. “I’m sorry to hear about your companion, Akihime-dono.” She said softly. “I will ask Mitsunari if there is anything he can do to locate her.” She frowned, knowing that she had little sway over a matter such as this, but she would try none the less.
"Thank you so much, Nana-dono..." She muttered, moving into the infirmary, "He keeps telling me she's dead, but I know Amaya. She's so strong, there's no way she could be defeated."
Nana nodded, she didn’t know Amaya personally, only if her circumstances and what she did. “I will pray for her safe return.” She said gently, bowing her head to Akihime. “Can you manage on your own from here?”

Amaya didn’t know how many days she had been captured, having fallen unconscious many times as well as being kept in a room with no windows and always lit very brightly threw off her internal clock. It didn’t help that Sasuke had damaged her software quite a bit as well. Sasuke had her chained to the wall, making it easier for him to come and go from the cell as he pleased, not like she could move much without the chains anyway. He had torn out her robotic arm, and damaged her robotic leg to the point she couldn’t stand on it, she wasn’t going anywhere.
Akihime nodded, smiling weakly, "Yes, I'll be ok. Thank you."

The cell opened and Sasuke came in as he usually did, "You gonna talk today?"
Again it was as difficult as ever to look Sasuke in the eyes, the blinding lights in her eyes making it hard to see anything at all. “Up yours.” She muttered, probably still sore about her arm.
This made Amaya lurch forward, straining against the steel cuffs around her wrist and ankles. “You wouldn’t make it one foot inside that castle.” She hissed brought her teeth; there was that fire.
Amaya spit at Sasuke, the wad of saliva landing on his cheek. She would’ve kicked at him as well, had her ankles not been chained as well. Akihime seemed to be a sore topic of conversation.
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