Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“No.” Megohime didn’t even need time to think. “Even if you did get guards to help us, how would you get these doors open? They’re locked both electronically and with a physical key. And what of the collars each one of us has?” She was growing increasingly bitter, this was all a waste of time. “Just go back to your cushy room, you don’t have a plan.”
"I-I..." Akihime looked down again. She was right, what would she do without a key? How would she help anyone rushing head first and hoping for the best? "No one deserves to live this way...not you, not Yukimura...not the others Hanbei-sama has chained up in here. I just wanted to good for once...I only ever ruin people's lives, I wanted to actually help someone...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get any hopes up." She muttered and left Megohime quietly.
Megohime had been locked inside Hanbei’s lab for forty-two days, and when she wasn’t being burned, she was being scraped and swabbed for dna samples. Pain throbbed over her entire body, strapped down to that wretched pool-table with that awful gel. It smelled like bleach and burned her already burnt skin, but it helped keep the wounds clean. She had just been dosed with another set of muscle relaxants, a white-haired woman checking her I.V.’s and placing an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. Megohime was already out of it, not having any food in her stomach made her even more easily affected by the drugs. Strange, the woman taking care of her looked like Masamune, she of course had more feminine features, but she looked just like him. She closed her eyes, feeling her mind swim from the drugs. Gods she missed him; was he looking for her?
Masamune was very sensitive and touchy, talking to him was a dangerous endeavor on its own. He hadn't found or heard anything about Megohime in over a month and he was close to just saying fuck it and moving on. She wasn't coming back.
As Masamune was thinking to himself, a soft murmur rolled across the room from Masamune’s men, who watched as their very own arms dealer entered Masamune’s establishment. Her eyes scanned around, arms crossed loosely over her chest, a neutral expression on her face as she spotted Masamune, then started toward him.
Jin made a face at his tone, but brushed it off, stopping in front of him. “Not really.” She pulled a large envelope out from her jacket, not taking her eyes off of Masamune. “But I think I might be able to help you.”
“Katakura-dono brought to my attention the multiple missing persons case in the surrounding areas. I did some digging and found information on a few people.” Inside the folder was about ten papers, each one with a grainy photo pinned to the top; they were all of different people. One was an older looking bald man, another was a young man with long hair, and the one that caught Masamune’s eye, was a woman with inky long hair. “Each photo was gathered from surveillance videos from inside the main Toyotomi estate, all within the last three months. Each person in that folder was sold to their scientist Takanaka Hanbei.”
"Sold?" His eye narrowed on the photo of the woman. Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to take Mego and sell her? Whoever it was would be very dead when Masamune got a hold of them.
“Yes, it seems that way. Each timestamp is labeled from two nights ago, so from what I can tell, they’re all still alive.” Jin waved her hand. “That’s all I can give you, anymore digging might put my men in danger.”
"No, this is good, thanks.." Masamune muttered before standing up and heading to his room.
"I'm heading out for a bit." Masamune said and Kojurou sighed.
Jin sighed softly and turned on her heel. “I’ll see myself out, I was only dropping by on the way to a client.” She said, waving her hand over her shoulder as she headed for the door.

Megohime never could tell what time it was, the lab had no windows or doors that went outside, and neither did the small room she was locked in. She had finally figured out the machine Hanbei had been putting her in to test her heat resistance; a cremation machine. When she did figure it out, it made her physically sick. Every so often she would be shoved back into that dreadful machine however, having enhancing drugs pumped into her before they started up the flames. She lay on the floor of her room, the cotton sheets hurt her burns, so she settled for the cool tile floor instead. The bottoms of her feet were badly burned, second degree burns she heard the doctors say.
"Ohayo..." It was Akihime, she may not have had an escape plan but she at least brought Megohime and the others better food when Hanbei was gone, "I brought you some yakiniku and noodles's getting a lot harder to lie about all the food I'm ordering.." She added the last part with a small laugh, "Tomorrow, I'll bring by some sashimi...I'll go out and buy the fish and cut it myself if I have to.." She pushed the food through the food slot and sat quietly, "How are you feeling today, Megohime-dono...?"
Megohime half crawled, half dragged herself to the food, eating it gratefully. The only nutrients she was given by Hanbei was merely intravenous supplements. “Everything hurts.” She said through a mouthful of food, glancing at the small window in the door. “Any news about your boyfriend?”
Megohime blinked, then continued to eat. “Then why are you looking for him? Is he your brother?” She locked the food crumbs from her fingers, then guzzled down the water she was given.
"Hanbei-sama is using him to steal other Deviant's abilities. It causes both him and the person just wants to be left alone, you all do...I suppose it's because I met him first so I really want to help him...or at least care for him until his friend comes to get him..." She answered
Megohime looked over her wrapped up feet, the gauze stained red in spots. “You really are naive.” She snorted, looking back up at her. “If you can’t handle this much, you shouldn’t be alive, the outside world is just the same... But what am I saying? I guess I’m just the same, growing complacent in this hell hole...”
Shouldn't be alive? "Why are you being so mean to me...?" She asked weakly, "All I want to do is help, to make amends for all the people I hurt everyday...and here you are, some selfish stuck up bitch berating the only person willing to give a damn about you! Well, if you don't want my help, you could have said so! I won't bother you anymore, so here's hoping the next time Hanbei-sama pulls you from your little room, he just kills you and frees up some space in the world!" She stated, voice cracking before she stormed away.
Megohime stared at the far wall, listening to Akihime’s receding footsteps before closing her eyes and slowly laying back down on the floor, an empty feeling in the pit of her stomach.

((Time to bring Masa in~?))

Masamune stood at the main gate of the Toyotomi estate, glaring at the intercom. "You got something of mine, I want her back."
"Hanbei-sama," The nervous gate guard looked at the white haired man as he approached, "Wh-What do I do?"
Hanbei had his hands folded together behind his back as he approached, waving the guard gate off with one hand. “Dear boy Masamune, it’s been quite some time since I’ve seen you or Katakura-kun, how are the two of you fairing?” He had a faint smile on his face, but it was far from pleasant.
Masamune scowled even more and inched closer to the camera, "You got a woman in there. Long black hair and the only woman I know with red eyes. If you don't want me torching the place to get her, you'll bring her out. She wasn't yours to purchase."
“We have many women in here Masamune boy, but none with red eyes, and none have we purchased.” His voice filtered through the speaker, as calm and even as before. “The Toyotomi faction does not endorse or participate in the buying or selling of humans, living or dead.” He could hear a soft sigh, then he spoke again. “Now, please remove yourself from the premise.” Maybe he truly dint have Megohime? Had Jin been deceiving him? Was she just toying with him this whole time?
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