Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

(( :3c back to Ama~?))

Amaya had woken up in handcuffs, not like it mattered much, her robotic arm was nothing more than scrap metal at this point. Grunting as she sat up, she looked around, seeing no one through the bars, she stood and listened for any movement. Was she below the Takeda estate?
Amaya rolled her neck, glancing around. She didn’t see anyone, but that was probably due to the bright lights directed right at her from outside of the cell, leaving the room behind the lights pitch black. She curled the fingers of her flesh and blood arm, trying to conjure ice, but nothing came. She scowled, had she been drugged? More than likely, only an idiot would leave her with the ability to use her power.
After a while she could hear the clicking of talons against the cement floor. The door opened and the light seemed to make Sasuke materialize before her. "Sleep well?"
Amaya scowled, but stayed where she was, neither moving closer nor backing away. She stood with her hands still cuffed behind her back, a faint scowl on her face.
"I just wanted to update you on the condition Sayuri was in. You know, the cute little teen you indirectly injured." He said as he moved closer, "She's basically in a coma and there's no telling if she'll wake up soon or not at all. Thanks to you."
Amaya frowned, she knew hiring Tenkai was a gamble, he was know for his high casualty count, but always got the job done. A shame though, she didn’t mean anyone else harm, but if she got in the way, it was her own fault. “Huh, didn’t take you for a lolicon.”
“Probably isn’t all that fun fucking a corpse.” She shrugged with her good arm. “But I’m sure you have some other tender young girls just dying to bed you.” She just needed a few more seconds and she’d have the cuffs off, picking the lock was easy, but it took a bit to get it just right.
His talon shot out and ripped her robotic arm straight from her shoulder, eyes glowing in his fury. He ripped it apart without ever breaking eye contact, the wires and metal now scrap at his feet.
Amaya was thrown to her knees by both the force of her arm being ripped off, and the pain. The handcuffs had actually been torn in two, cutting deep into her real arm. She trembled as she gripped her shoulder socket, the metal socket dripping both blood and oil. She gnashed her teeth together, slowly looking up at Sasuke through her hair. Death. Death was her only option now, if he got anything out of her she didn’t want him to know, it would be worse than being sent straight to hell. “J-Just think of the positives... You can still fuck her while she’s warm if you hurry.” She forced a cruel smile, trying to make him lose his head completely.
"I'm not going to play these childish games with you. Why did you take dana. Where is he. Tell me or I go and eat your girlfriend's eyes right from their sockets." He snarled.
She spat at his feet, staggering to her feet once more. “Now who’s playing childish games?” She flicked her wrist at him, and oil and blood splattered onto his face and in his eyes, Amaya grunting as she slammed her shoulder straight into his gut, pinning him against the metal bars and bringing her knee into his side hard. Strange, was that limb metal too? It felt much harder and less lifelike than a normal limb, even through clothing.
The blood was minimal, but below was indeed a metallic leg; Amaya scowled and grabbed a handful of his hair, bringing his head forward, then slamming it back hard against the bars. Even if he tore every inch of skin from her body, she wouldn’t stop, she’d try fighting until she was crippled.
Sasuke hissed and suddenly turned into a massive murder of crows, all flocking around her and pecking and clawing at whatever part of her they could get to.
Amaya grunted and slammed her back against the stone wall, trying her best to swat away as many birds as she could, but she was easily overwhelmed.
Amaya slowly slumped to the floor, bleeding heavily from multiple places, and completely drained of energy, it wasn’t enough to kill her however. She gnashed her teeth and glared at Sasuke, unable to even talk.
Amaya only gave a grunt, she couldn’t speak, her mechanical vocal cords had been torn from her throat, how could she? She did give a triumphant smile however, he would get nothing more from her.
Amaya closed her eye, feeling herself slip out of consciousness once more, sliding forward and slumping to the floor unmoving.
Akihime was in a panic. Amaya didn't report in. Amaya didn't report in. What had happened? Was she ok? Was she killed? She had tried asking Mitsunari to send people in to rescue Amaya but he brushed her off each time.
Amaya hadn’t come back for nearly a week, was she still on a mission that Mitsunari wasn’t allowed to talk about? No, even then, Amaya would leave some word to Akihime of her prolonged absence.
The only talk going around was about Yukimura and the new woman that had been brought in. From what she’d been hearing, the both of them were undergoing rigorous experiments. Maybe Yukimura knew of Amaya’s whereabouts?
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