Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Amaya grunted as he tore further into her robotic arm, which she could feel, but it didn’t hurt. More oil and sparks exploded from the arm, wires being pulled free. Already she felt her robotic arm dying, unable to move it any further. Again, she punched his temple, baring her teeth as she struck him over and over.
He grabbed her wrist after the third hit and looked it over. "Is this one robotic too?" He asked, "I don't wanna pull at it and have it not actually be metal.."
Amaya was taken aback, it was like the hits had done absolutely nothing to him; she could feel her arm powering down already, he must’ve pulled a main power line. The arm he grabbed though, it was definitely flesh, it was a different kind of warm from the other one, and this one had a pulse. “Get off!”
He examined it like a curious parrot, "Oh, I see. Flesh and bone. So this hurts, huh?" He asked and moved to grab her arm with his taloned feet, piercing the flesh with the razor sharp points.
Amaya bit back a scream of pain, blood trickling down her arm, was this his retribution for taking Sanada? Fine, it wouldn’t matter if she made it back or not, as long as Akihime had her freedom once more. “Screw you.” She growled out.
"Oooh. Feisty. I like that. Let's go." He stated and wrapped his blood caked talons around her neck before he shimmered and they appeared in a cell. He smacked her hard against the wall and left her there, stalking out and locking her in. "Make sure she doesn't try to escape." He growled at the guard.
Amaya, for the time being was incapacitated. Both her robotic side and her human side had been gamaged enough to leave her completely unconscious.
“Sasuke-sama!” A few servants who had been present at the attack of Yukimura came rushing to Sasuke’s side, still splattered with blood. “Sayuri-dono is currently in emergency surgery, as for Yukimura-sama... All of the men who went after him, they’ve perished.”
Sasuke gnashed his teeth together and stalked off toward the medical wing, his feathers ruffled and fluffed angrily. "Thank you for telling me. Go get cleaned up." He was furious.
Sasuke would arrive at the medical wing in minutes, but it would be hours before Sayuri was out of surgery, taken to a sterile room to recover.
“The wound dealt to Sayuri-dono is severe, but for now she is stable. We’ll be keeping her sedated for the time being to aid in a faster recovery, but you may see her now if you wish.” The surgeon reported to Sasuke.
Sayuri looked so incredibly frail and tiny, wrapped from her neck to her waist in bandages, multiple I.V. lines stuck in her arm, with an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. She was breathing steadily, but didn’t stir, even when Sasuke entered the room. Most of the blood had been washed off of her, but some red still stained her hair and feathers.
Was Sayuri going to make it? The doctor said she was stable, but God’s she looked so weak, and what about Yukimura? Was he even alive still? He had been wounded worse than Sayuri, in fact, he looked dead when Sasuke saw him.
Back at the Toyotomi estate, Yukimura had been returned to Hanbei, but in father poor condition. The bounty hunter had nearly killed him, leaving him in a coma for the time being. No matter, Hanbei wasn’t at a complete loss, he had other ways to speed up recovery.
A small woman with sharp blue eyes was brought in to see to Yukimura’s wounds; she was clearly a Deviant, wearing a chipped collar, and with long wild brown hair streamed with white.
“He isn’t dead yet, but he will be soon, please see to him, Irohahime-chan.” Hanbei said, motioning to Yukimura, who had been bandaged up and put on life support. The woman known as Irohahime frowned softly at his terrible condition, nodding and moving closer to him. She placed her hands on his chest very gently, her eyes becoming slits immediately as his wounds slowly started to close up. It took nearly forty-five minutes to completely heal all of the damage done to him, and when she was done, she collapsed to her knees. She was sweating heavily and panting, but two lab assistants helped her to a chair to sit and rest.
“I’ve completely closed up all of his wounds, any damage done to him has been reversed.” She said, looking to Hanbei.
“Excellent, thank you, Irohahime-chan.”
She grimaced at the honorific, knowing he was more than likely only adding it on to show his distaste of her.
Akihime fidgetted and worried about Amaya, her protector usually came home by now. She knew better than to leave, but she needed to know. She left her room and went looking for Hanbei, maybe he knew where Amaya was?
Hanbei as always, could be found in his lab, as many guards and servants informed Akihime, but none tried to tell her to return to her room. In the lab, Hanbei was examining Yukimura’s condition, while his assistants cared for Irohahime’s extreme fatigue.
"Hanbei-sama," Akihime stopped when she entered the lab and saw Yukimura was back. Her heart ached for him, it was terrible how they used him.
Hanbei frowned even before he looked up, turning his head only to look over his shoulder. “Akihime-dono, what can I do for you?” He asked, but it was more of ”What the hell are you doing here?”
She looked at Hanbei and bowed out of respect, "S-Sumimasen...I don't mean to interrupt any important work, but...I was wondering if you had seen Amaya? If she made it back?" She started to wring her fingers anxiously, as if she already knew the answer.
He stared at her for a moment before returning to his work on Yukimura, making a noise. “No, but she doesn’t report to me. If you wish to know more of her wereabouts, enquire with Mitsunari.”
As Akihime was exiting Hanbei’s lab, two men carting in a woman strapped down to a stretcher moved passed her. One gave Akihime a scowl as they moved passed, the woman on the stretcher unconscious from what Akihime could tell. She was quite beautiful however, with raven colored hair and fair skin, was she another of Hanbei’s latest victims?

Megohime hadn’t been gone from Masamune’s room long enough to cause concern, but something wasn’t sitting right with the One-eyed Dragon, but what?
Akihime watched them cart her away and bit her lip. What was Hanbei doing? Why did he have Yukimura returned and a new woman brought in?

Masamune trekked through the whole estate and couldn't find hide nor hair of Megohime. If she wanted to leave, the least she could have done was said bye.
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