Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Her cheeks went red again, and she made a soft noise before pulling him into another kiss, pulling him on top of her.
Megohime moaned against his lips, grabbing handfuls of his hair and pulling lightly. She avoided using her nails on his back, seeing as that’s where most of his scales were, so she opted for hairpulling. Once he was inside her, she started to rock her hips against his, starting out at a steady pace.
He growled lowly as he slowly buried himself to the hilt inside her. He let her rock her hips before he started moving his hips steadily on his own.
Megohime wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close against herself, letting out soft moans against his shoulder, kissing his skin gently.
Megohime could feel just how hungry he was for anothers touch, but she couldn’t say he wasn’t quite good at what he did either. With each thrust, Megohime’s body trembled harder and harder with pleasure, gasping softly.
Megohime whined softly as his teeth threatened to break her flesh, leaning her head back so he could have better access. She hooked one leg over his hip, allowing him to move deeper into her, her inner walls trembling on the verge of her second climax.

Life at the Takeda estate was finally back to how things used to be, Yukimura was home, and finally Sasuke could rest, but something wasn’t sitting right with him. He could feel it even in the very tips of his feathers, something wasn’t right.
Gunshots confirmed his suspicions, then shouting; had they come from Yukimura’s room?
Masamune had fistfuls of the bed sheets in his hands, feeling closer and closer now. He couldn't handle much more of this.

"Dana!!" Sasuke rushed as fast as his talons coukd carry him, his feathers ruffled in panic. Takeda guards rushed passed him to get to the source of the screaming and it only made Sasuke run faster.
Megohime was at her limit as well, finally reaching her climax, she gasped and trembled, enjoying the pleasure that ripples through her body.

The noise definitely had come from Yukimura’s room, and by the time Sasuke had reached the room, the guards had already drawn their weapons and entered. The scene inside nearly stopped Sasuke’s heart, Sayuri lay face down on the ground in a pool of blood, unmoving; she had been personally taking care of Yukimura when she could, but the worst part was Yukimura. He was kneeling on the floor, gun in his hand that was limp at his side, a man standing in front of him, wielding with what appeared to be a scythe going through Yukimura’s stomach and out his back.
Masamune moved more desperately before letting out a low snarl, finishing inside her.

Sasuke's eyes widened in horror before his feathers ruffled and puffed, making him appear larger than he actually was. His feathers suddenly burst from his body and launched at the man who had attacked Sayuri and Yukimura, each feather turning into a daemonic crow. The man used his other scythe to destroy the birds, or what he could of them. There were too many to combat with one free arm.
Megohime kissed the side of his neck gently, running her fingers through his hair as she steadied her own breathing. She herself found it surprising she had let things go this far, but in all honesty, didn’t mind, perhaps only for Masamune?

Yukimura was unconscious, blood spilling from his wound every time the intruder moved, in turn moving the blade that was piercing his abdomen. Blood dripped from his lips, eyes barely open. Sayuri started to stir, but was only barely able to pick her head up. Her silver feathers and white hair were stained with blood, but she had regained consciousness for now, the condition on her wounds unknown. “Sa...suke...” She struggled out, her eyes white, had she used her ability to See? “He’s working for Toyotomi..” She wheezed hard, blood pushing passed her lips. “He’s not alone... More outside...” She was struggling just to stay conscious at this point, at the feet and mercy of the attacker.
Sasuke seemed to shimmer and disappear, the guards making a break for it before they died. Sasuke was incredibly vindictive when angered. The man chuckled and turned to Yukimura, removing the scythe roughly before picking him up, "Let's go, Sanada-dono~"
More blood seeped from his wound when the scythe was removed, but of course, Yukimura couldn’t respond. Sayuri tried to grab onto Yukimura’s leg when he was picked up off the ground, but couldn’t get a firm hold on him. “Yukimura... sama..!” She hacked up more blood, feeling her consciousness starting to fade again.

A mile outside the Takeda estate, Amaya waited for her contact to return with their prize. She had hired a bounty hunter, not wanting to directly involve the Toyotomi faction in the kidnapping of Sanada Yukimura.
Amaya stiffened, she hadn’t even sensed him coming, neither her human half or her robotic half. She spun around, jumping back to put distance between the two, drawing her pistol.
A wave of crows shot out and held her in place, a few biting her hand and prying the gun away. The mass bubbled and shrunk until the black fell away like molted feathers to show a furious Sasuke, "Keeping your girlfriend wasn't enough, you had to come and take dana away?"
Amaya ground her teeth in pain, glaring at Sasuke. “It’s nothing personal, really, it’s all just part of the job.” Ice started to cover the crows that held her in place, and with one hard jerk, one of her arms was free, shattering the frozen crows like ice.
Amaya ground her teeth, kicking at his ankles and grabbing for his wrists. What Sasuke didn’t know, was that Yukimura wasn’t going to be delivered to her, but taken directly to Hideyoshi, she was merely the distraction.
Amaya couldn’t throw him off of her, for one who looked to weigh so little, he was heavier than expected. Slamming her elbow into the crook of his arm, she brought her forehead hard against his nose, trying everything she could to get him off of her.
His talons connected, but instead of blood, sparks and oil. Amaya hissed and punched him hard in the temple, trying to kick him off of her.
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