Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Akihime had to time it perfectly. Hanbei was always in there working, he hardly ever left unless it was important. Thankfully, Hanbei had a meeting with Hideyoshi and would be away from the lab for a while. She waited until she saw him heading toward the meeting room before heading quickly to the lab.
Akihime’s eyes fell on a room cluttered with medical equipment, and before Akihime lay a woman. The table was a bit more like a very shallow pool. It could hold almost a foot of water, a high lip holding in an odd blue gel, which the woman rested in. She was strapped down of course, an oxygen mask on and a tracking collar around her neck. When the door opened, her red eyes slowly moved to look at her, pain burning bright in her eyes. She wore nothing more than a cotton gown, her body from the shoulders down submerged in the gel, skin red and blistered.
Akihime moved over quickly and frowned, "Are you alright? Obviously not physically, can I do anything to make you more comfortable?" She asked gently, looking her over. She was exceptionally beautiful. Thin but not boney.
Megohime gave a shaky breath, fogging up the oxygen mask. “Water..” She rasped, her lips dry and cracked. She was hooked up to a saline I.V, but still, water seemed to be the only thing she wanted, even over freedom.
She nodded and moved to the sink with a small plastic cup and filled it with water before moving back over and carefully moving the mask enough to help her drink.
Megohime drank every drop Akihime had gotten for her, letting out a heavy sigh once the water was gone. “You’re not one of those lab techies, who are you?” She rasped.
Her lip curled back in disgust, a fire lit in her eyes. “That science bitch... I’m gonna beat the shit outta him.” She couldn’t stand his smug aura, the way he poked and prodded her, examines every inch of her as if she weren’t human. “If you aren’t a lab worker... Why are you here?”
She blushed, "Oh, um...I heard that there was someone else down here...he was here before but I helped his friend take him away..." She explained, "I guess they found him and brought him back..." she added quietly before picking up her voice, "I wanted to ask him if he knew where my guardian was. She left to go retrieve him and...hasn't come back..." Did that seem selfish? Should she offer to help this woman escape too?
Megohime blinked, looking for someone? “If you’re looking for someone, you’ll have to be more specific... There’s nearly two dozen of us here..” Two dozen? When had Hanbei gotten so many test subjects? And why did he need so many?
"Ah, um...he's got brown hair in a ponytail, wears a lot of red, they had him unconscious the last time I was down here, maybe he's unconscious again...?" She tried explaining Yukimura's looks as best as she could.
Megohime shook her head the best she could, but her movements seemed sluggish. “No.. I don’t know, a lot of the people who come in here are either unconscious or in clothes like mine..” Perhaps he wasn’t here? Maybe something horrible had happened? Multiple voices echoed down the hallway outside the lab doors, two of the most distinct being Hanbei and Hideyoshi.
Megohime watched her scuttle off, finding a hiding spot just seconds before the doors opened. It seemed like Hanbei had summoned all of his assistants, as about a dozen men and woman in lab coats entered the lab before Hanbei, some moving off down the hall where other Deviants were being held, two moving over to Megohime. She gnashed her teeth and grunted as they removed her restraints and pulled her into a sitting position before practically carrying her by each arm to the shower in the corner, hosing off the blue gel and switching her wet clothes for dry ones. She had to be dragged, none of her limbs wanting to work properly.
“This one seems to be resistant to both heat and fire at extreme temperatures, in fact, while conducting tests on how much heat resistance she has, it seems she derived sexual pleasure from it.” Hanbei was reading from a clipboard, Megohime brought to an open sterile room and knelt in the middle of the room. Megohime glared at the ground, face red with embarrassment, but she didn’t try to stand, or maybe she couldn’t.
“I’ve given her a small dose of muscle relaxant to keep her from retaliating. She doesn’t have any offensive abilities, but she did bite one of my assistants.” He gave Megohime a glance, then his eyes moved to the man who was being led into the room.
The room Akihime had chosen to hide in, turned out to be the room Hanbei chose to demonstrate his progress.
Akihime hid as best as she could, covering her mouth to keep from making any noise as she watched Hanbei and his assistants went about showing Hideyoshi and Mitsunari the different Deviant abilities; poor Megohime being the first. Sexual pleasure? From being burned? Didn't it hurt though? It would be rude to ask so she wouldn't bring it up when it was safe again.
The man brought into the room didn’t struggle, he didn’t fight one bit; was that Yukimura? He had a strange helmet like device that covered his head and face from his nose up, exposing only his mouth, which gaped open slightly.
“Currently we have one power residing within his body, a dormant trait that copies other abilities- think of it as a secondary trait like his own, only with both powers combined, it allows him to both take powers from others and use it.”
Hanbei moved away from Yukimura and over to Megohime, grabbing her wrist and yanking her arm up, pushing back the sleeve to expose the skin on her arm. An assistant handed Hanbei a small tool, which looked like a small torch lighter, and turned the flame on her skin. The only reaction Megohime gave was to bite her lip and glare harder at the floor. Her skin didn’t mar or even discolor from the flame.
Handing the tool back to his assistant, he moved over to Yukimura, and simply spoke a command. “Take it.” He said, and Yukimura lurched forward, arm outstretched in front of him. Megohime looked up at Yukimura eyes wide as she tried to move backwards, but her body refused to obey her. A chill ran down her spine as he stopped before he and placed a hand on her forehead, then she collapsed in agony. Screams tore from Megohime as she writes on the floor, twitching and seizing on the floor before falling still. Hanbei’s assistants only sat her back up on her knees, but had to hold her up.
Yukimura’s own body twitched violently, and one could see the strain on his body by the bulging veins on his neck.
Again, Hanbei was handed the small torch lighter, but this time, he took Yukimura’s wrist, exposing his skin to the flame, which didn’t mar in the slightest.
“Of course, she no longer has the power to resist any heat or flame, in fact, she’s quite human now.” He said, motioning to Megohime.
Akihime held her breath to keep from screaming, eyes wide in horror. That was Yukimura; she remembered he said he could take other Deviant abilities. She had to get them both out of here, she couldn't let them harm Megohime and Yukimura anymore.
Hanbei seemed to talk forever, Megohime in agony the entire time her power was gone, it was like a physical part of her had been ripped out. She barely heard anything he was saying, her eyes meeting Akihime’s for a brief moment before she looked away, focusing on something else.
After the presentation was finished, Hanbei had Yukimura return Megohime’s ability, then returned both of them to their respective rooms, where they were locked away until they were needed again. How could they do such a terrible thing?
Akihime waited a little longer before going to check on Megohime first. She seemed to suffer the most. She looked around as she tip toed in and moved to Megohime, "Are you alright...?" She asked gently, "I'm so sorry, I wish there was something I could do..."
Megohime could be seen through the small barred window in the locked door, slumped against the back wall by the small cot in the room. “You can’t.” She said, her red eyes moving to look up at her. “It'd be better if you just forgot this.” She said.

Back at the Family’s estate, Jin had just finished dressing, brushing her hair back with one hand. “Disappearances? Yes, I’ve heard of them. They’re rumored to be because of the Toyotomi, well, rather his scientist, Takanaka Hanbei. He’s been paying good money for Deviants. What for is anyone’s guess, but again,” She looked to Kojurou. “They’re really only rumors.”
Akihime shook her head, "I can't. I can't allow this to continue. I'll get you and Yukimura-san out of here, the other Deviants, too."

Kojurou made a noise, "I only ask because Megohime-dono is missing. She didn't leave any word that she would leave the estate and Masamune-sama is clearly upset." Upset was an understatement and a half.
“And what are you going to do?” Her tone became pointed. “Am I to assume you have a great enough power to fight off all of Toyotomi’s men while helping us escape?”

“Megohime, huh?” Jin sighed through her nose and sat on the edge of her bed. “Masamune’s prostitute. Well, I can have my men keep an ear out for additional information regarding the matter.”
Akihime flushed and lowered her gaze, she seemed really ashamed, "Lift the hem of your gown and show me your thighs." She ordered, her voice irresistible and her command impossible to ignore.

Kojurou bowed deeply, "Arigatou gozaimasu. Masamune-sama and I would appreciate that greatly."
Megohime stared at Akihime, like she was actually going to do that, except she did. She glanced down when she felt her gown move, face flushing when she saw she was exposing her thighs to Akihime. “What the hell..!?” She hissed, quickly letting go of her gown.
"Gomen, it was the first thing that came to mind, I didn't mean to be so perverse." She apologized, "But I can manipulate people...well, some people...I can't tell Hanbei-sama or Hideyoshi-sama what to do, but I could have the guards escort us all out safely."
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