Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

He snarled and took a step back, pulling out his high caliber handgun and shooting the lock until he could push the gate open and waltz in. The guard smashed the alarm button and men swarmed to stop Masamune.
Hanbei watched Masamune simply walk through the front gate, making a soft noise before picking up the phone on the wall beside him. “Let Mitsunari know of our intruder. Date Masamune.”

Megohime was having a particularly nasty burn on her back treated, of course once again, she was given a mild sedative and strapped down to a bed, Hanbei’s assistant known as Irohahime working on healing the wound. She seemed nervous at the blaring alarms, but continued her work.
Masamune moved through the estate, walking with purpose as he looked around for Megohime. "Megohime! Where the fuck are you?!" He shouted. Armed guards moved to stop him but he only blew holes in them with his handgun.
Megohime could hear shouting, but she was too out of it to really do much other than blink and breathe. Was that Masamune? God, even as a hallucination he was miserably loud.
“What are you doing in here? Who are you?” That voice was much closer, was it the woman treating her?
Irohahime has moved away from Megohime, backed against the far wall out of fear. Out of all the places the intruder could have gone and he chose Hanbei’s medical wing? “Y-You aren’t supposed to be in here... Please leave, I didn’t see anything.” What the hell? She looked just like Masamune, same reptilian blue eye, same sharp features, what the hell was this?
“I-I don’t know..!” Irohahime was clearly flustered, wincing when he yelled and holding her hands up. Masamune’s eyes moved over to Megohime, who lay on her stomach, wwith her back exposed; terrible burns blotched her skin. Her unfocused eyes stared right through Masamune, was she even alive? She looked horrid.
“I-I can’t..!” Her voice trembled. “If I heal her any further.. She could.. she could mutate..” She glanced at the gun in his hand. “Please, just let me leave.” She pleaded.
The woman before him slumped to the ground, leaving blood smudges along the wall as she went gasping and staring at Masamune with tears in her eyes.
Megohime grunted faintly when she was thrown over Masamune’s shoulder; she was light, and perhaps a bit too bony, it seemed she had lost a bit of weight.
"Let's go, Mego.." He said and headed out of the lab. He shot anyone that got in his way, having to stop a couple times to reload - which pissed him off because he had to resort to using his fire breath to get rid of anyone else that came by. As he headed out and walked through the main hall, a handful of guards blocked his path, too many for him to kill without Megohime getting hurt. He scowled and took a deep breath only to choke when a voice rang out through the hall.
"Let them pass!" It was definitely a woman's voice, and like robots with rusted joints the guards parted. Masamune looked and Akihime stood at the top of the stairs, watching him. He nodded to her and headed out as quick as he could, meeting up with Kojurou in the car and driving away. Akihime exhaled in relief and sat on the stairs, holding the railing as if to keep grounded.
Megohime was completely out of it the entire time, but after being unhooked from the muscle relaxant for long enough, she finally started to come to in the car. She realized she was staring up at Masamune, her head in his lap, and as soon as she registered that it was him, she started to cry. “Masamune..!” Her voice was weak, but her eyes were still bright.
Megohime shook her head. “Not really.” She said, swallowing to try and wet her throat. “We’re do I start? You already know where I was, and who did it...” She still sounded exhausted. “I didn’t go on my own if that’s what you mean..”
She blinked, staring up at him in thought. “Oh... That’s right..” She shook her head. “It wasn’t Toyotomi’s guys who took me from the house...” She almost looked nervous. “It was one of your guys.”
Megohime gave a small nod, then slowly closed her eyes. After all of this time she realized just how tired she actually was, having not slept much other than when sedated. In moments she was out like a light, her face peaceful and relaxed.
Masamune sat quietly as Kojurou drove them back to the estate. He probably started some kind of war getting Megohime back, but whatever. Toyotomi didn't scare him.
Megohime woke with a start, struggling to sit up and look around. She was in a bed, covers tucked over her lap. Was she back at the lab? No, she could smell cigarettes and alcohol, and the room was much smaller; was this Masamune’s estate?
She could hear the rustling and chitter of the other gang members down the hall. Oh yeah, she was home. She recognized the gaudy ornate dragon decorations around the room.
Megohime nearly broke down in tears again, relief overwhelming her. She pulled the blankets back and swung her legs over the side of the bed, standing, only to fall to her knees moments later. She winced as pain shot up from her feet, which had been rebandaged; how could she have forgotten her badly burned feet?
"What was that?"
"You think that was Megohime?" She could hear everyone chittering in confusion before footsteps made their way over.
"Mego?" It was Masamune, "You ok in there?"
Megohime felt a flash of panic jolt down her spine when she saw blood staining through the gauze on her feet, quickly looking away. “Yeah... Just me.” She called back.
Masamune stepped in and made a noise, "I don't think you should be moving yet.." He said before he scooped her up and set her on the bed, "Ah, jeeze, you must've popped the blisters..." He muttered and grabbed the first aid Kojurou had left.
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