Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Amaya stared at him with a faint frown. “You aren’t getting anywhere doing that, in fact, you’re making it worse.” Every wrong attempt to bring down the firewall in her program threw up two more firewalls, and doubled the encryption.
Amaya rested her head back against the wall, scowling deeply. Was there a chance he could actually break down the firewall Yoshitsugu had put up? No, it wasn’t possible, even she wasn't capable of disabling her own firewall, there was no way he could even hope of doing so.
Amaya was nearly asleep when she felt that familiar click in her head, waking her instantly. “Seriously?!” She hissed to herself, eyes wide as she stared back at Sasuke.
Amaya was actually quite technologically advanced, her eye giving a live feed that recorded everything it saw, including audio, each file stored under only a series of numbers and letters. There was even video and audio feed from when she had lost consciousness, shaking one of Sasuke’s own men administering the drug that suppressed her Deviant powers.
One of the oldest files had to have been when she was just being programmed, or the eye had just been installed, it was an older man wrapped heavily in bandages, speaking with someone out of view of the camera. The older man was scolding someone for bringing him the body in such terrible condition, and how it would take much more work than anticipated as a result.
"What the hell..." He muttered. He opened one of the older files just to see what he could find and a video played.
"Ohayo! Otou-sama says you're my guardian now!" Sasuke's brows furrowed as he watched the feed, "My name is Akihime! I hope we can be good friends!"
"Too far." Sasuke muttered and closed the video down.
Amaya seemed rather quiet, which was odd seeing as how Sasuke was peeking through her memories. Glancing up at her, he found she was still awake, both eyes open, but her mechanical eye was dim, perhaps going through her files and such put her in sleep mode?
Amaya would spend hours in her sleep mode, which she was aware of the time that had passed, but had no control over such circumstances.
Again, Amaya was left alone for hours, only now she was awake, why was she still here if she had already told him what she already knew?
Amaya was patched up quite nicely, her arm couldn’t be reattached and would simply need to either be partly replaced or completely made up from scratch. Sasuke hadn’t exactly removed it carefully after all.
“Not really, I’m not assuming you’ll just let me waltz out of here.” She muttered, actually concerned for where she would be going.
"You would be one hundred percent correct." He answered, "I'm having someone come and pick you up." Pick her up? Did he really call the Toyotomi to collect her?
“If you wanted me dead, you should’ve just killed me yourself!” She snapped. “There’s no way Hideyoshi-sama would allow me to live after such a disgrace!”
"Hideyoshi? Oh no, I'm not giving you back and rewarding you for being so uncooperative. God no. You're gonna go and live with Ieyasu, as punishment for wasting so much of my precious time." He answered.
She stared at him in silence. “Why would he be punishment?” She genuinely sounded confused, nose wrinkled. “You think because I’m in the opposing faction that I’d hate him automatically? You’re a naive fool.”
“I’m not Mitsunari.” She said, seemingly offended that he’d even suggest such a thing. “I’ve never met the man, and as circumstance has it, we’re in opposite factions; I have no quarrel with him.”
“Maybe I can think for myself like any other human being!” She snapped, of course she held Akihime and her opinions dear, but she wasn’t a puppet.
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