Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Amaya turned her head to look over her shoulder. “I’m sorry, it’s probably not what you want to hear, but I won’t lie to you. I have no memories of you or of myself as Shuzu.”
Amaya frowned softly, if she were to continue this conversation, there was something she had to do. Reaching carefully, she began to remove her right eye- which if done correctly, wouldn’t damage the eye or it’s socket. Once it was removed, she rolled the car window down, then crushed the mechanical eye and tossed it out the window. “I want you to know that I do plan on going back to Hideyoshi, I have someone waiting for me there and I won’t leave her behind.” She rolled the window back up. “But I would like to know a few things, if you would share them with me?”
She nodded, glad he was willing to speak with her. “When you first saw me, you recognized me as Shuzu.. Can you tell me what was she like- what I was like?”
He smiled fondly and made a noise, "Shuzu was a soft spoken woman but wasn't usually afraid to speak her mind if something bothered her. She was very open about her dislike for Hideyoshi's slow take over through the pharmaceutical industry and did what she could to help us stop him."
Amaya listened quietly, taking in every word he spoke. “What about family?” She asked softly, speaking about her as though it weren’t herself. “Did she leave any family behind?”
"No, it was the main reason she joined." He answered, "Her family grew sick and ended up passing away because of the pharmaceuticals..."
“Oh, I see.” For some reason his made Amaya sad, like she had just learned that she had lost someone dear to her. “And was she a Deviant?” Was there really a chance she was this Shuzu person? She almost wanted it to be true.
Amaya was quiet for some time, thinking of all the questions she could ask him, but it was hard to decide on one. “With how much certainty, do you believe I’m her?” She finally asked, voice quiet.
She was quiet again for some moments, then when she finally spoke, she was looking at her hand, watching frost creep across her skin. “What was her ability?”
Amaya grunted as the seatbelt kept her from hitting the dashboard, quickly looking to Ieyasu with just as a shocked expression. “Sorry, I-I didn’t mean to alarm you.”
A chill went down her spine, and she looked down at her lap. Was that it then? Did that settle that she was this Shuzu person? She had no more questions left, in fact, there was nothing left she had to say at all. Her mouth hung open slightly, feeling tears prick her own eyes. She had been someone else, someone with friends and family, someone who belonged somewhere, how had she lost all of that and forgotten?
“You don’t have to apologize.” She wiped her tears away with the back of her hand, looking to him. “I should be the one to apologize. You won’t ever get Shuzu back, but I have her face, I’m sorry.”
He shook his head, "I will have fond memories of her. You said you had someone waiting for you? You should make her as happy as Shuzu's friendship did me." He assured with a smile.
Amaya nodded gratefully, he was right, Akihime was still waiting for her, she needed to continue on, to return to her. “Thank you.” She said softly.

((Wanna skip ahead a little~?))
The two of them arrived in the early hours of the morning at the Tokugawa estate, where Amaya was allowed access to both the bath house and the dining area. After she was cleaned up and fed, Amaya waited on Ieyasu, who was readying his small workshop to repair her arm and leg.
"You're quite lucky Sarutobi-san called me to take you in. Tadakatsu has to have extensive work done all the time, he's always burning through oil and needing repairs." He chuckled, "He's reckless sometimes but means well."
She sat on a work bench as she waited for Ieyasu, watching him gather his tools. “Tadakatsu... He is your General, yes?”
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