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Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Ren simply took the bottle, giving a gentle pat on the captains shoulder, then heading out to give the infant it’s much needed medicine.
Nana lay still except for the small rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. She looked so small and frail, bags under her eyes and her skin so pale.
Why had she done something so reckless? Why did she run off on her own when she knew Motochika had planned to take his crew to raid the facility? This just wasn’t like her, it wasn’t like her to act so rashly.
Back at the Takeda estate, Amaya had been recovered by the joint raid the Date led, in bad shape, but still breathing. Once she was stable, she was moved back home from the Date, and where she remained resting and recovering from being neglected in captivity.
Akihime took care of her as much as she could, making sure her medications were taken at their appropriate times. She was close to her due date, any time now she would bring a son into the world, but with Amaya in such poor condition she was afraid to leave her side.
The doctors did all the work they could on Amaya, and except for the damaged mechanical limbs, she was recovering nicely, albeit slowly.
"Pretty soon, Ama, you'll get to meet him..." Akihime muttered as she pet her stomach. She hadn't really left Amaya's side. "I wish you could have felt him's such an odd feeling..."
Amaya had grown rather frail-looking, and though she was gaining weight back, she still had a ways to go. The only response Akihime would get was Amaya breathing and the soft beeping of the heart rate monitor.
She smiled sadly before suddenly gasping in immense pain. She held her stomach before looking to see her skirt was soaked. "O-Oh God..." She muttered and hobbled out of the room, calling for Shingen's help.
((Nothin, just look pretty~~))

Akihime went through eighteen hours of labor before bringing her son into the world. She couldn't be happier than she was then, naming him Daisuke and passing out with him craddled in her arms. After a couple days of recovering and resting, Akihime returned to Amaya to see if there was any change. Nothing. Which was neither good nor bad. But with Nana taking maternity leave, there was no way she could commission her to craft new legs for Amaya. She would have to call her father.
Akihime would still visit Amaya, the cyborg improving steadily daily, seeming to do better even more so when she brought Daisuke along until one day she found Amaya sitting up in bed, awake and alert.
She gasped loudly and moved over as quickly as she could without disturbing Daisuke, "Ama...! You're awake...! How are you feeling? Do you want anything?"
Amaya turned her head to look at Akihime, looking neither angry or happy, but rather a little confused. “Water.” Her throat sounded rather dry just from the single word alone.
She nodded and grabbed a cup near by and filled it with water from the pitcher beside her bed. She offered it to her carefully, "Here you go. Drink slowly, you've been unconscious for a very long time.."
She looked more confused by her words but took the cup and drank slowly, still coughing a bit before she finished the water. She sat for a moment before speaking. “I don’t understand, I don’t remember being injured this badly when we had the intruder, and your arm...” She looked a little overwhelmed. “What happened? How long was I out..? My system doesn’t indicate anything... it’s... not giving me a system analog diagnostics..”
Akihime smiled sadly, "You were put under such stress that your hard drive rebooted. Your programming was corrupted and I'm still working on it but I've had my own responsibilities to deal with.." She said, adjusting Daisuke in her arms, "He's a lot harder to deal with than the instructor said he would be...!" She joked.
She stared at the baby with a soft frown before looking back up at Akihime, brows furrowed. “Who is he?”
The question sent a chill down Akihime’s spine, just how far back had she lost her memory?
She frowned more and glanced down at her son, "This is Daisuke...he's...he's mine and Yukimura's s..." Her throat tightened as she fought tears, "He's my son...." She corrected weakly.
Tears dripped down her cheeks as she looked at the small child once more. “I’m sorry..” She said softly. “I don’t remember.... I don’t remember any of it... He’s beautiful.”
She shook her head, "It's alright, I'm working on it...! I'll get you fixed up in no time." She said. She dried her eyes and smiled, "He is rather handsome, isn't he...?"
She nodded and wiped her tears away with her flesh hand. “How old is he? And what was his name again?”
“I don’t know how much help I’ll be with one arm and no legs.” She said with a sad smile.
"Yes, I know...I was actually going to call Yoshitsugu and order new parts from him. He's the only one I know who has your advanced parts and Nana-dono is still on leave..." She said, "Even then, I'm not sure she would know what to do.."
Her smiled slowly faded, and Akihime could see the fear in her eyes. “No.” She said quietly. “I can’t... I can’t have him inside my head anymore.”
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