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That's What I Like (1x1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

She moved and grabbed the dildo for the strap on, "You know, guys, I have a cum tube~ would you all like to see that next time~?" She asked. Her chat exploded again and she giggled, "Then we will use the cum tube next time~"
He made a noise and continued to watch. She could feel his gaze, almost leering. He was still as hard as a rock.
She had to stop looking over at him before the chat started getting upset. So she just focused on them, rubbing the toy against her clit and giving a soft moan.
He sat there for a bit, and things started to get heavy. She worked herself faster and the donations went wild. She didn't even see him leave.
He sat out in the living room for a while before she came out, "Hey..." She sounded ashamed, maybe she was worried he would be angry.
She lowered her gaze, "Soon...ish...I was really scared you would get mad like you did when I started dancing..."
She nodded, "I did all my research and I have a lot of stuff put up to hide where we live and I'm careful to make sure no one at school knows it's me if they find me.."
She was having a blast and was able to spoil him silly to make up for "whoring out" as she called it. He was still pretty jealous of people looking at his girlfriend but there hadn't been any real threats.
He knew she loved the attention too. Ahe always had. He would sit in for her shows, knowing she loved that, too.
"Yeah...I have some lady viewers and some pan-slash-bi dudes who would love to see your thick dick..." She said
She hummed, "One of your tanks would be good...maybe a good tight pair of your boxer briefs...I can get you a surgical mask, too.."
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