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That's What I Like (1x1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

"Oh always~" She replied. She bought the cum tube a week or so after and Theo seemed to really enjoy having her "bust" all over his face or down his throat. Her work was going as wrll as expected, at least until a bunch of older guys started acting creepy when she was there. They would follow her around the club and try to get their hands in her g string without the bouncer seeing. She was getting to the point where she started venting fearfully to Theo.
Theo was there at the ready. He was there every night, threatening men who got close without a tip. He escorted her to the car and drove her safely home.
"I do, it's so fun...but I..." She held his arm tighter, he had never seen her so scared; not in a long time, "I don't want anything to happen..."
He frowned and held her close. "Would it be best to find a new job..? Maybe until these creeps leave...? I can talk to management if you want.." He said.
"I can look, yeah..." She muttered. When they turned onto their street, Sena's nails dug into his arm to the point of nearly breaking the skin. There was a man standing not far from the apartment, watching the car. He was a pit bull, blue with a white muzzle, and he was just hanging out.
"O-Oh my God...h-how did he..." She couldn't breathe let alone talk.
Theo stopped the car in their garage and called the police, who arrived and quickly escorted the man away. This didn't stop, and finally, Sena resigned.
She was so sad, the girls at work were also really upset that she was forced to leave but it was safest this way.
After a while of searching, a job offer finally pinged her. Well, not so muxh a job offer as an ad. But it gave her an idea.
"Cam girl...?" She muttered. She did like all kinds of attention, and if she got the right software no one would know where she lived. So she figured why not and signed up.
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