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That's What I Like (1x1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

She stopped about halfway and pet his back, "How ya doin, babe...? Is it comfortable...? Do you need more lube...?"
"M-More.. l-lube..~" He drooled. "T-Then.. g-go nuts..~" He moaned out. His cock was stone solid and throbbing again, the tip of his tail twitching in her grasp.
She grabbed the lube and dumped a healthy amount over the cock and his entrance before she started moving slowly. It was much bigger than the plug, after all.
She noticed and watched him, never seeing him do that before. It was kinda cute. She pulled on his tail gently and gave a soft noise of amusement.
He shuddered hard. "L-Look I dunno what you mean..~" He tried to put on a straight face and wiped the drool away.
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