Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Shion nodded sitting up out of bed and standing with a small wobble. "I'll be ok, promise, and this time, let's meet in the food court, yeah?" She smiled a bit.
Moriko smiled faintly, glad she had a friend other than Yui. She cleaned everything up and made her room nice and tidy again. "I hope Senji isn't too mad at her..." She muttered.
Two more days would go by, and Shion still didn't show her face since she'd returned. The door to the gym clicked open and Shion entered, still looking like shit, but she went to the weighs anyway.
Shion picked up a weight and stared down at it. "Like shit.." She said softly. "All my old wounds hurt again... And..." She clenched her fist tight around the weight. She shook her head hard. "Nothing.. I'll make it."
She looked ashamed, but turned to look at him with a sad smile. "The pains just making me crave it really bad." She said quietly, then quickly averted her gaze. "I don't know what if is.. My arm stopped hurting a while back, but it's like... it's just as bad as the day it was cut off."
"I didn't!" She snapped back, then lowered her voice. "I swear it wasn't me.. I would never..!" She looked pretty genuine. "I don't think I could if I wanted.." She had a point, she only did have one arm.
He made a noise and stood, moving over, "Mori tells me that is was some guy called an undertaker. Got anything more to tell me to enlighten me on what happened?"
She looked like she really didn't want to talk about it. "He was crazy, even for Wonderland." She didn't look up, even when he moved over. "I only remember bits and pieces after a certain point, but he said he was going to give me salvation." Her face twisted a bit in her uneasiness of the memory. "He said I needed to remember and confront the sins I had committed before my soul could be saved." She got really quiet, looking a bit pale.
She gave a sad smile, trying to be strong. "No, this arms fine, it's just my left arm that hurts." She started her workout, but soon started to shake a bit. "I just have to work on something else.. Keep my mind busy.." She sounded more like she was trying to convince herself more than anything.
Shion nodded, setting down the weight and moving over to the leg press, the room silent except for the sound of the heavy machines working, but soon, even that was silent.
When Shion didn't take the bottle Senji had offered, it required a bit of investigation. Shion was asleep, actually and completely asleep.
Shion didn't wake at first, but soon shifted and groaned softly. She opened her eyes and looked around drowsily. "Kiyomasa-san?"
"No... I don't think so.. I just got really tired.." She said, rubbing her face with one hand. "Sorry."
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