Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Shion spent days in Moriko's room, in and out of consciousness, and little by little she was improving.
Soon, Shion was lucid enough to hold a full conversation, but still shook hard and had troubles standing. "Is Kiyomasa-san angry with me?"
She looked down at her arm, which still had bruises and needle marks. "I didn't want this... I swear, I wouldn't ever do something like this." She looked to Moriko, eyes sad. "I just hope he knows that."
She frowned, nodding slightly, then smiled sadly. "Y-Yeah.. I don't feel so great today anyway... Maybe I'll see him tomorrow." She said quietly.
Moriko felt a shiver run down her spine, she could feel eyes on her, and a murderous aura from the door. Shion felt it too, and looked to the door, only to see a very angry looking Yui.
She looked and gulped, "Yui! Hey! Now, I know it may look bad but I found her in a really bad state so I brought her here to recover...! Nothing was going on, promise!"
Yui's dark eyes narrowed, and she glared at Shion -who immediately looked away- before closing the door quietly. Shit, she was really angry.
Yui had already made pretty good distance down the hallway, heeled boots clicking on the concrete floor. Once Moriko caught up with her however, she spun on her, shoving her hard against the wall and using her body to pin her there. She yanked her chin up and kissed her deeply, even a bit roughly, before pulling back, but not by much. "Say it." She said quietly, for once her black eyes holding something other than a mischievous glint. "Say I'm your one and only. Forever and ever, even when you die."
She blushed hard, lips tingling from how hard Yui kissed her, "Y-You're my one and only, Yui...forever and always, even when I die..." She recited softly, and she meant each word, "I was just helping her, promise...she was sick, I didn't want anything bad to happen, that's all..." She pet Yui's hand before kissing her fingers, "I would never do anything to hurt you, you've been so good to me..."
Yui's expression softened a bit more and she nuzzled Moriko's neck gently. "Alright... I trust you, Mori-chan..." She said in a gentle whisper. She entwined her fingers with Moriko's, gently nuzzling her hand, placing soft kisses on the knuckles. "Just don't bring home anymore women to your bed."
Yui puffed up a cheek and pouted a bit. "Mori-chan, you know that's not true!" She kissed her forehead and smiled. "Mori-chan's the boss~"
Yui leaned down to kiss her cheek gently. "I'll take you up on that offer tonight~" She purred, then moved to trot off down the hall.
She held her cheek, face as red as a tomato, "K-Kay..." She muttered before heading back to check on Shion. "Everything's fine!" She smiled.
Shion looked up, still sitting in her place on the bed. "A-Are you sure..?" She asked, still looking quite pale.
She gave a small nod, but was still afraid for herself. "I can go back to my room now... I'm not as out of it anymore.."
"Are you sure? If you need anything don't hesitate to come by." She said, "We'll find a better place to meet next time.." She added sheepishly.
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