Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Moriko took her hand and Shion could feel it was shaking. Apparently Moriko wasn't good with social interactions either. "I'm's nice to meet you in person...!"
Shion's own hand was trembling a bit, mostly from just the human interaction itself. "S-So... Um, I haven't seen you fight in a while." Oh jeez, was that rude? "I-I mean, it's just surprising to see you after you were off air for so long..!"
"Yeah, it's been a minute, huh?" She asked awkwardly, "I don't mind so much, I'm not much of a fighter anyway.." This was making her really uncomfortable.
Shion felt just as uncomfortable as she looked, and she could tell Moriko felt the same. "Y-Yeah... See you around..!" She took a small step to the side, then hurried passed Moriko, moving over to the vending machines.
Shion was trembling, normally she didn't interact with people that in depth, it was new for her. Even with Senji is was mostly just talking about fights or working out.
Shion walked back to her room slowly, nursing a can of coffee as she did so. She really wished she had the heart to make friends, even in a prison like this. She shook her head and frowned softly. Even before she was no good at making friends, too shy, always pulled away, and eventually she was just left completely alone. She hated it.
"Maybe she would be more comfortable with letters? Personal but not face-to-face..." Moriko muttered and moved to her desk to start writing. Her usual sloppy handwriting she had in her notepad turned into crisp clean cursive as Moriko attempted to make friendly coversation with Shion over paper and pen.
Over the next few days, Shion and Moriko would write to each other, this was much easier on the both of them, they simply left the letters in designated hiding spots. Shion had neat, but small writing, almost like even in her letters she was a bit timid, but even so, she truly seemed to enjoy sending and receiving the letters. As cheesy as it sounded, they seemed to be fast friends, even exchanging snacks and drinks on occasion - not in person though.
Moriko would leave her favorite treats with her letters, even some cans of soda she liked. She liked it actually, she had never really found an interest in people but she liked Shion. She just had to make sure Yui didn't get the wrong idea.
For the most part, Yui hadn't noticed the letters yet, she didn't often snoop in Moriko's things, and when Moriko went on job runs, she'd leave her be. Shion was enjoying the letters, always finding time for them.
Hiding the letter in the air vent she used as her drop place, Shion smiled softly. In her letter, she asked Moriko if they could meet up for a bit, leaving a time and place if she wanted to, but also giving her the option to not show up if she wasn't ready. She was glad, finding someone to talk to other than Senji was a bit refreshing, she liked it.
When Moriko got the letter, she made a soft noise. She was pretty comfortable now to talk in person. She figured it would be a good way to help with her social anxiety. She headed to the meeting spot early and waited patiently, fixing her one-size-too-big open neck sweater to get rid of any wrinkles.
Moriko was waiting for a while, and when the clock stuck three, Shion still hadn't shown up. Maybe she was just running a bit late? Half an hour would pass, and still no sign of her; did she get cold feet? An entire hour went by and it was clear Shion was not going to show; did something go wrong?
"I hope everything's ok.." She said and moved to go investigate Shion's room. Everything looked good, in fact it looked like she had left everything where it was to go meet Moriko. Or go somewhere. Where could she be? She went looking around, frowning softly. If something happened, maybe she should get Yui. Yui was a way better fighter than her.
There was nothing to indicate Shion had been in a struggle, or even a rush; what happened?

Shion had already been in the Undertakers lair for about two hours now, and yet nothing had been done to her other than have the gutaie played for her. She sat uncomfortably on the couch, staring at the heavy boots of her captor, flinching when the music suddenly came to a stop.
"So which one was your favorite? This one, or the first one?"
"T-The first was pretty good." Shion answered without looking up, her legs numb with fear.
The man before he laughed, tossing his Flying V aside and moving over to sit beside her.
"You think so?"
Shion didn't get it, what was she doing there? The man who called himself a Super Monk - Genkaku as the guards addressed him, had appeared suddenly as she was on her way to meet Moriko, asking her to walk with him, but with the air about him, she could tell it really wasn't a request.
There was no answer, she was just gone. Hours would go by and Shion never returned to her room, and soon, hours turned into days, how could a Deadman just up and vanish? Maybe Senji knew where she was?
Moriko didn't really like dealing with Senji any longer than she needed to. She moved into the gym and looked around. Sure enough, Crow was at a weighted press, focused on his work out.
"Um...Senji?" She called. Senji stopped and looked over.
"What's up?" He asked, "Yui isn't floating around, is she?"
"Ah, no, she's busy. Have you seen Shion?" She asked. Senji scowled softly.
"No, not for a few days. Why?"
"Well...we were going to meet up and hang out but...but she didn't show. And her room hasn't been touched in days."
"How do you know that?"
"Everything is the same as when I first went looking. Nothing changed, nothing moved or cleaned. She's just...gone..."
This was strange, Shion didn't usually just leave and not say a word, let alone not return back to her room; that was where she was most of the time.
Perhaps Shion had gotten lost? G-Block itself was pretty big, with maze-like corridors and many hallways that branched off, it wasn't too unlikely that she might.
The further Moriko walked, the more hills she got, and soon, she came upon a door, which overhead was labeled "undertaker", and painted on the floor before the door was "WELCOME TO HELL."
"Wh-What the fuck...?" She muttered. She felt sick and terrified. She thought she had been everywhere, knew everything - what was this? She gathered her courage and pushed open the door, peeking in hesitantly.
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