Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

The room smelled of cigarette smoke, incense, and an overwhelming amount of blood and rot; it was absolutely nauseating. The room was large, and was sparsely furnished, all except for one corner, a large couch sat across from a couple bean bags, and tucked in the corner, was a guitar and amp. No one seemed to be inside the room, but a soft noise did come from where the furniture was, it sounded like a groan. Who was in there?
"H-Hello?" God, why didn't she bring Yui? This was the most terrifying thing she had ever done, and her very first Carnival Corpse made her so scared she threw up.
The couch creaked, and someone slowly slid from the cushions before tumbling to the floor, another low groan following. Then, a familiar voice. "Moriko..?" It was Shion, her voice was heavily slurred, and came from out of sight, just beyond the back of the couch.
Shion was at the foot of the couch, laying on the ground in the process of trying to crawl. She was sweating heavily, her breath ragged and uneven, skin pale with dark circles under her eyes; her hair, oh her hair, it had been cut short, just like a boys. "Undertaker... We gotta leave... He's coming back soon.." She forced out, sounding like she'd vomit at any moment. Needle marks ran down her arm, and by the heavy bruising, it was clear it wasn't by choice.
"I don't know, he just- he-" She started to choke up a bit, stumbling along with Moriko. "He said he was saving me... Giving me salvation.." Her head dipped and she stumbled a bit. "He made me remember Okaa-sama... He..." She was hardly conscious at this point, lucky Shion was a very thin girl, which made her quite easy to carry.
"Ok, ok,'s ok now..." She said and took her to her room, laying her in bed. She looked her over, checking her symptoms to see exactly what was wrong.
Shion was shaking hard, nearly dripping sweat, and breathing shallowly. She was completely out at this point, her face twisted in a look of pain.
Moriko went to work making a makeshift saline drip. She knew enough to make a stand-in until she could steal one from the infirmary. She checked Shion's arm and frowned. There was no where she could stick the needle in; every entry point had a bruise and she didn't want to cause any more damage. So she checked Shion's hand for a good vein before pushing the needle in.
Shion tensed even in her sleep, whimpering softly as the needle entered her skin, but she didn't stir. What had she been given? It was obvious it was a drug of some sort, but other than that, no other knowledge was known.
"You stay right here, I'll go get some actual saline." She said and hurried off. She hoped she wasn't too late, who knows how long she had been injected.
It wasn't like Shion could really go anywhere, let alone respond. Still, the entire ordeal was freakish and nerve wracking.
Moriko was able to sneak in amd snag a saline bag, quietly leaving and heading back to her room. When she returned, she stopped when she saw a furious Senji standing beside the bed. He turned and glared.
"What the fuck?" He growled. Moriko frowned.
"I found her in the deepest part of the block. She said something about undertakers..."
"Undertakers?" Senji scowled. Moriko nodded and moved to give Shion the drip.
Shion looked like she was fighting both a terrible fever, and a nightmare, gripping the bed hard. She was grinding her teeth, moaning weakly in pain; like she was starting to go through withdrawals.
"Is she shooting up? Is that why she was gone?"
"What?" Moriko hissed, glaring, "No. The undertaker did it."
"Did you see him do it?"
"I found her like this." She seethed.
All the yelling seemed to stir Shion from her slumber, opening her eyes, she turned her head to look at the two, but her head was spinning too much to tell who was there. "Please, I'm sorry.." She whimpered.
Shion watched Moriko leave her field of view, before looking to the other person in the room- Senji. "Senji..?" She squinted at him, frowning softly.
Shion shook her head. "I wouldn't lie to you, Senji.. You've been a good friend.." She winced and closed her eyes for a moment, then looked to him again. "I've never met the guy before, his names Genkaku... He says he's a priest... No, a monk." Tears started to fill her eyes. "He said he was going to save me... And then Okaa-sama was there... She wasn't angry though.." She almost sounded happy, but at the same time, absolutely terrified.
"Okaa-sama...?" He asked, his eye watching as Moriko brought Shion a puke bucket.
"Hallucination caused by whatever he stuck in her." Moriko said, "Here, Shion, do you want some water?"
She shook her head. "No.." She seemed to pale a bit before rolling onto her side, and vomiting into the bucket.
"You should go, Senji." Moriko said, ushering him out, "I have a lot of work to do." Senji scowled a bit but left away, not wanting to stick around.
Shion watched Senji leave, her heart aching, but she could hardly move anyway. She lay back on the bed and closed her eyes, too tired to resist sleep again.
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