Birdcage (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Senji was at the weights for a while before moving to the punching bag. He suddenly became very embarrassed and froze, which caused the bag to smack into him.
Shion slowed her pace until she had stopped completely, looking at Senji in confusion. "Kiyomasa-san?"
"You're bleeding..! Did the bag hit you that hard?" She stepped off of the treadmill and moved over to him. "Do you need tissues..?" She started to look around for something to stem his bleeding nose, a worried frown on her face.
Shion brought him a clean towel anyway. "If you're sure you're ok.." She said, holding out the towel for him.
She shook her head, dismissing it and moving back to the treadmill. "Maybe you should take a break?" She offered, starting her run again.
She gave an embarrassed smile. "Running track was the only sport I was good at in school." She admitted.
"It was just high school track, but I enjoyed it." She said, a soft smile on her face. "What did you do, Kiyomasa-san? Before this?"
She looked a bit surprised. "You were a police officer?" She echoed, trying to imagine him in uniform. She couldn't. Was he joking? No, by the way he said it, he must've been serious. "That's great, Kiyomasa-san." She said softly, her tone sincere.
She could tell it wasn't exactly an easy subject, he seemed so vulnerable, so she didn't ask any further. "How's your nose? Stop bleeding yet?"
She gave a nod, then thought of something. "Hey, I heard you have a fight tonight." She turned the treadmill of and grabbed a towel. "With Woodpecker, right?"
She gave a nod. "I'll see you on tv." She gave a small wave, heading for the door. "Good luck."
Shion left the gym, and headed to her room, but stopped just outside the door. Her stomach growled and she fidgeted uncomfortably, glancing down the hall. Turning, she headed for the cafeteria, pulling on her sweater.
Within a couple hours, Senji's fight against Woodpecker began and the battle was intense, albeit a little one sided. Senji was aggressive as he usually was, but Woodpecker did his best to keep away; why wasn't he using his Sin?
Shion was actually in the cafeteria for the fight, most people being in their own rooms to watch the fight in peace. She ate slowly, a bit on edge as she watched Senji fight. It was strange though, even before he started the fight, he was hurt, chest all patched up. When did that happen?
((I don't remember how the fight went so I'm just gonna gloss over this~!))

Senji had lost. For the first time since she knew him, he had lost a match. It made her blood run cold. How could anyone beat Senji?
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